Thursday, March 20, 2025

Five Minute Friday :: Engage

five minute friday engage flowers banner
Five Minute Friday :: Engage Linkup

Rules or guidelines for engagement. We often talk about contextualizing ministries— our engagement with individuals, groups, sometimes even entire communities or entities such as schools or hospitals. That means knowing some of their histories, their cultures, their desires, and their dreams. Because as sincere as our admiration may be for our histories, our cultures, our visions of them and the futures we might imagine for them, the people God sends us to serve need to be on board and own whatever we're doing. They need to engage with us as we engage with them.

If you've pastored a church or been a missionary – "sent person" – anywhere, you've probably spent time reading and watching videos about the place you're going to. Whenever possible meeting with and engaging with people who've lived there. If the primary language isn't the same as yours, you've learned basic vocabulary and something about the personality of the language. That's especially important if it's in a different language family than yours.

You study their culinary preferences and try not to assume what they enjoy at home is the same as a fusion version you've had at the fast food place on the corner. If a family in your ministry area hosts you as a guest, you do your best to fully engage the flavors, textures, colors, and deliciousness of what they offer you. You find out in advance the most suitable (literally!) attire to wear when you visit.

Maybe you know deep in your heart they need to learn some scripture, but you've found out the literacy rate is low, with some adults not able to read at all. So you start by engaging them with the alphabet, simple words and easy sentences before you go to an Easy Reader Bible or maybe just verses of scripture. You then explain what it's all about so they can engage with the scripture that in turn engages their lives and futures.

Do you put your own culture, language, and experience aside? No, because that's impossible and it would be unwise if it even were an option. You enter a congregation's or other community's life so engagement will be a two-way street, with no stop signs along the way—ideally only a few cautions to slow down and explain what's going on.

God has called and sent you there because their lives will be enhanced if they engage with the gifts you offer. When you engage with the gifts they offer, you'll also be changed. Contextualizing is a two-way street, an engagement that's a both ways treat for everyone.
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• The flowers are so beautiful I had to use them twice! I believe Kate usually gets her images from Unsplash.
city buildings
five minute friday engage flowers
five minute friday engage button icon logo

Friday, March 14, 2025

Five Minute Friday :: Journey

coffee bean and tea leaf in Koreatown Los Angeles
Five Minute Friday :: Journey Linkup

It's about the journey, not the destination is a commonplace observation because it rings so true. I even have an Old Navy shirt that announces that reality! Do you think of it as a Journey or a Trip or an Adventure? After observing me for a while, a coworker told me I loved the thrill of the chase. Indeed I do. But is that a chase or is it a pursuit? (Check out last week's Five Minute Friday)! Is a chase or a pursuit an intrinsic part of the journey or is it an added after market component?

Any of us could write or talk forever about their journeys so far and their hopes for the days and moths to come. But right now the church is in the season of Lent.

As we prepare for Easter during this forty day long season, many slow down, become more intentional about study and service, possibly take on a meaningful project or activity and often relinquish a sensual favorite such as meat, wine, or desserts.

In Luke's gospel, the journey to Jerusalem and to the cross is particularly focused and incessant. Jesus first sets his face toward Jerusalem in Luke 9:51. Toward Jerusalem—the cross and the empty grave. Does knowing Jesus' persistence working through his calling and destiny help your Lenten considerations as we anticipate death, resurrection, and the possibility of a new creation?

• About my header picture: When we enjoy a recipe from a different culture or country, when we have tea, coffee, fruit, or condiments that actually originated elsewhere, is that a way of taking a journey, making a trip? As we receive a literal taste of Greece, a hint of the Caribbean, a portion of Southern Soul, it definitely is! The Koreatown Los Angeles coffee and tea stop with its international customers and international bill of fare felt perfect for today's topic.

• I've piggybacked parts of this from my scripture blog for this week: Lent 2 :: Reminiscere

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celebrating place cape cod beach house
five minute friday journey sunrise sunset
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