Friday, January 10, 2025


gardenias painting

Five Minute Friday :: Satisfied

veggies in metal barrel

Five Minute Friday :: Satisfied Linkup


Satisfaction happens after a meal so abundant and delicious it fills your body and your senses. A person becomes satisfied after discussing a problem or conflict in enough detail and clarity to resolve it and move foreword in the situation or relationship. A well-crafted durable item is satisfactory for the use we hoped it would fit.

This is the second week of a new year and the first Five Minute Friday of 2025. Readers of this blog probably know I'm a theology geek and a church geek. With a worldwide plethora of church styles, traditions, denominations, etc., with the confusion of how to interpret scriptural passages about polity, organization, and structure – even with different perspectives on the authority of scripture – how can we interact with churches other than our own, or does scripture allow us to do so?

Magisterial Reformers Martin Luther (especially via Philip Melanchthon) and John Calvin had simple criteria for the presence of the church in any place, in any time.
• "The Church is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered. And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions, that is, rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be everywhere alike. As Paul says: One faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, etc. Ephesians 4, 5. 6." Philipp Melanchthon, Augsburg Confession, Article 7.

• "Wherever we see the Word of God sincerely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to the institution of Christ, there, it is not to be doubted, a church of God exists." John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 4, chapter 1, section 9.

2025 :: Satisfaction

Augsburg Confession, Article 7, Satis est "It is enough; it is sufficient, it satisfies."

Cool church stuff. But at this start of another new year that will take us 25% of the way through what once was an exciting new century we loved to call Y2K, what satisfies me? What suffices for me? What amounts to a full life, not a simple broken existence? Or can I ever be satisfied?

In his struggles, the Apostle Paul heard the Savior's assurance, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." [2 Corinthians 9:12] But how is "grace sufficient" or satisfactory for Paul, for any of us?

Yesterday I wrote to my star word for this year, Possibility. We can go on and on about spirituality, about feelings and thoughts, but we live in bodies that contain and express spiritual, gracious, thoughtful, and emotional realities. Without those are bodies are incomplete, but without a body they don't have a home, a place to reside. This material reality of substance is so central, the biblical story of creation [Genesis 1 and 2] opens with veggies, plants, trees (sun and water) to nurture bodies of animal and human critters. Agriculture becomes the material foundation of everything! At the end of the bible we read about the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven to earth [Revelation 21:2] and the river of life, trees of life with healing fruit [Revelation 22:1-2].

In the creeds we "believe in the resurrection of the body."

I need, I seek, I want, I long for a bodily and physically abundant life. A life with people, buildings, places, activities, and pets. An embodied reality that welcomes feelings and thoughts and ideas.

News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When Barnabas came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he encouraged them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion. Acts 11:22-23

With his senses Barnabas saw the grace of God. He didn't hear a disembodied heavenly choir. It wasn't an imaginary apparition. It wasn't even a properly performed liturgy. He saw a caring community of people acting in Jesus' name to provide shelter, food, and other physical necessities. Practicing the forgiveness that generates new life.

Barnabas saw grace at Antioch.

When and where do you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell grace?

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Thursday, January 09, 2025

Star Word 2025 :: Possibility

The alphabet (recolored by me) for my header
came from Birds&Plants by daria_miazhevich
on Creative Market in 2016.

• Pray • Remember • Imagine •

Choosing or being given a star word to light a path during the new year has become a popular Epiphany tradition. In the same way a star guided visitors from the East to the home of the infant Savior, a single word can help focus our journey.

After I asked for a star word on Twitter and on BlueSky; Heather on BlueSky linked to her church website that offered star words; Possibility felt inspired and just right.

Every time I read an article that reminds us it takes a village and often details how the writer got where they are today only because of people who supported them, who had their back most days, and who suggested and steered them to appropriate opportunities, again I wonder where's my village?

Other substacks and blogs talk about how people blossom and bloom and thrive when they have people who believe in them, encourage their gifts, celebrate their presence.

I still try to tease out some cause and effect for where I am and the realistic goals for participating and contributing I haven't reached, but whatever I did, they did, you did, or any of us neglected to do, unless I can find my village, my tribe, it will be more of the same, it will be more weeks, months, years, of a very occasional pickup gig.

Haven't I said people have come out on the other side of far worse than I've been through, yet many whose lives have been disrupted less than mine haven't made it back?

What do I want? Mainstream society and mainline church.

And I keep discovering I yearn for such routine aspects of everyday I never seriously thought about them before.

For one example, the longing I felt when someone on social media referred to a day as a "scorcher." Those used to happen during summers when life and people and ideas and possibilities surrounded me.

What's possible for 2025?

Settled housing—almost the least of everything. Music, art, and theology opportunities—but only if I find my tribe. Routine, mundane, everyday intensities like scorching hot days, body aching tiredness, lunches with friends, classes to teach, projects to design, rainy afternoons, early mornings and…?

I remember. I pray and I beg. I imagine it will happen. But hey, those pleasures that say I'm actually alive go along with mainstream society and mainline church.

Pray • Remember • Imagine


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 2024

scriptures for the four sundays of advent
• The header is my design for the four Sundays of Advent. All of them were in December this year!

Urban Wilderness Lectionary blog for December

glazed donut and celestial seasonings tea
• Friday 06 December :: donut and celestial seasonings tea in the same red cup as October's. Did I mention the Asian-owned Los Amigos Donut Shop? This is Los Angeles!
Christmas and advent decorations collage
• Saturday 07 December :: Advent and Christmas decorating, lunch, and games at the West Los Angeles church
red poinsettias
decorated nativity tree
• Saturday 14 December :: Christmas Tree Decorating, Lunch, and Concert at Christ the King in Torrance. I'm opening with red poinsettias and a solo Christmas Tree. I wish I'd counted how many trees there were! This is one of the only ones I captured with a fairly clean background.
lunch ingredients spread out
• They served lunch in the narthex—my fave, build your own sandwich with condiments, etc. We ate at tables around the labyrinth.
christmas concert program
cookies and swag bag
• The lovely concert featured two keyboard players on both piano and organ and a vocalist. We had dessert afterwards, and I won a consolation prize of a Nativity ornament in the drawing.
15 picture collage summary of the decorating lunch and concert
• If you use google photos you may know they provide templates we can use to create collages, and google AI sometimes makes surprise collages using templates not available to the general public (that would be us). This 15-picture arrangement provides a perfect overview of the day.
Los Angeles winter sunset
• Monday 16 December :: Los Angeles has some stunning sunsets, but I'm not often there to see them and I sometimes don't trust my phone camera enough. It was almost the winter solstice when I captured this nearby sky.
Christmas Eve collage from Mount Olive ELCA Santa Monica
• Tuesday 24 December :: Christmas Eve at Mount Olive ELCA in Santa Monica; I was organist for the German service and then I attended the family service with music by the semi-resident jazz band. This is another google AI collage that perfectly expresses the mood around campus.
bread of life church christmas decorations
• Wednesday 25 December :: Christmas Day worship and a sumptuous dinner at LA Bread of Life Foursquare Church in mid city LA. It's an actual storefront!

• Wednesday evening 25 December :: Christmas evening dinner in Inglewood—no pictures

• The First Sunday of Christmas 29 December :: Informal Lessons and Carols and Eucharist in West LA—no pictures
multiingredient salad
• Monday 30 December the Sixth Day of Christmas :: mid-afternoon lunch with friends; here are two views of our salad
living local 2024
nativity graphic
lamb in stable

Friday, December 27, 2024

The First Sunday of Christmas

side yard christmas tree
Here's a talk I gave on the first Sunday of Christmas 2021. I promised myself no edits or additions except for obvious errors, but I've added new illustrations. Because I used notes and not a script, this is approximately what I said. What would i say about Christmas music and food today, three years later? What would you say?


The pastor asked three of us to share our testimony of Christmas for the proclamation on the Sunday after Christmas: where do we find Jesus, the Christ child?

During this time of the year the northern hemisphere experiences more night than it does day, we first observe the advent season of waiting for, hoping for, and expecting the birth of Jesus, light of the world. We don't know the actual month or day of Jesus' birth, but the early church wisely calendared it at the winter solstice that also coincided with the Mithric Feast of the Unvanquished Sun. Jesus, Son of Righteousness spelled with an "o" also is the Sun of Righteousness spelled with a "u" who is Light of our Lives. After Advent and Nativity, the day and then the season of Epiphany continue with Jesus as light to all.

Martin Luther particularly loved the New Testament book of Titus. The anonymous author tells us, "The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all." [Titus 2:11a] Jesus is that light-filled grace, our grace-filled light.

nativity rose and succulents
Nativity Prayer

Root of Jesse, Son of Heaven, Mary's Child.
Cradle of Joy, Word in the Manger, Astonishing Gift.
Lord of Creation, Abundant Promise, Dayspring of Peace.
Be with us here in this place;
make us shepherds of your grace.
May our lives season the world with salt;
Nurture our neighbors with leaven;
Light a path to show your way.
In your name we pray—

bright posies
Valley Winter Song – excerpt

You know the summer's coming soon
Though the interstate chokes under salt and dirty sand
And it seems the sun is hiding from the moon
And late December can drag a person down

[While] the snow is falling down
In our New England town
What else is new?
What could I do?

I wrote a Valley Winter Song
To play for you.

by Chris Collingwood and Adam Schlesinger

posada critters 2023

Christmas in this Valley 1

So sang Fountains of Wayne in a song LL Bean gave lots of airplay to in a commercial during 2008. In these days of endless pandemic in a different valley on the other coast, besides Jesus light of the world and the created lights of sun, moon, and stars, what brightens our days better than music?

Music in church and on the street is a huge part of December's identity and festivities. Even people with no experience of clinical depression typically have a lower mood during the winter months. Have you ever heard a song or a symphony that instantly gave you hope? Today I'll mention two major pieces of music and a recurring event that always bring the grace and hope of Jesus into my world.

Along with a few million others across the centuries, Handel's oratorio The Messiah is a December perennial for me. Especially the opening solo for tenor from Isaiah 40 with its announcement, "Comfort Ye, My People – Every Valley Shall be Exalted." Our God. God's people. My second concert-type composition that takes a trained university or professional choir is the Christmas Cantata by Daniel Pinkham, a Boston area composer and church musician who lived during the mid-twentieth century.
angelo musicante
My recurring event is [Scripture] Lessons and Carols that can take many forms. We had a participatory Lessons and Carols here on Christmas Eve; this morning on the first Sunday of Christmas it's Lessons, Testimony, and Carols. When I lived on the east coast, as an undergrad at Boston University I sprung for the free tickets people needed to enjoy Lessons and Carols at Harvard's Memorial Church. I believe they presented it three times each year back then, but it was so popular you still needed a ticket.

Later on when I was a seminarian across the river from Boston University, at Lessons and Carols I often ran into classmates or friends I hadn't seen in a long time due to our schedules and because days and months pass so fast. That became a time we'd resolve to get together first of the new year, which always happened.

pumpkin bread
Christmas in this Valley 2

Besides music, as we celebrate the nativity with God born in Bethlehem as a baby formed out of created stuff from the earth, what is Christmas without all that special yummy food? What you enjoy depends somewhat on your current place on the planet along with traditional winter holiday foods of your home country or home region, or maybe what your grandparents and great grands considered necessary for Christmas feasts with friends and families.

Food also has got to be the best ever Christmas present because in itself it's a gift of creation. From my perspective, giftable foods ideally are things like home baked cookies or quick breads or homemade jam, preserves, or pickles. Maybe home brew, if there's a brewer in your household. These days supermarkets, specialty shops, and farmer's markets offer a whole lot of tasty food. They're a live option if you won't or don't bake or can or brew.

christmas cookies

What else can we do but sing and play valley winter songs to brighten lives and remind us of Jesus in our midst? We can create and enjoy culinary gifts of creation. Grace has come to the entire world in Jesus; many of us know grace and glory and joy through music and because of edible gifts from the earth.

• What's your favorite Christmas music?

• What Christmas food is an absolute necessity?

christmas tree west los angeles

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Five Minute Friday :: Long

being lost is worth the coming home
Being lost is worth the coming home.

Other times I've blogged about home include:

• Almost three years ago I said a lot of what I still need to say today

• Nine years ago an October Freewrite about home with quotes from songs about home

Five Minute Friday :: Long Linkup

• God brought me out into a spacious place; God delivered me because God delighted in me. Psalm 18:19

It's been a long time and a long distance. Because I can't stop longing for home. Glancing back, I knew I'd come out in a broad place before long. Did I estimate the length of long? Not out loud, but if you'd asked me, I'd have suggested three or four years.

Three or four years earlier, at the invitation of a long time close friend, I'd made my way from the intermountain west to the east coast. After our phone conversations, I believed I'd be starting life over near her. Well, that didn't work out for even a few minutes, but I wistfully remember the feeling of heading for home I had as I drove across prairies and cities and hilly places.

The home we long for can mean returning to a previous town, city, or dwelling, or journeying toward somewhere for the first time ever. Will I know if I'm there? It feels to me that home must include a physical house or apartment, a roof overhead. But isn't homecoming what we really and truly long for? I mean, people who quote Phillip Phillips' song Home, "Just know you're not alone; I'm gonna make this place your home."

Deep in our hearts, we long for the hugs and the smiles. The shared meals. Affirmations of our dreams, our calling, our gifts and preparation. Encouragement for our longing to use our talents and abilities. We long for and we need somewhere and someone to come home to at the end of the day, whether the day has been disappointingly short or agonizingly long.

Home is a spacious place. Space to breathe, to reach out, to grow, and to dream. A location and a people who take away my lostness, who help deliver me, because they delight in me.
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Friday, December 06, 2024

Five Minute Friday :: Stuff

life stuff flowers
Five Minute Friday :: Stuff Linkup

The snow duck is so cute!

My first take on this week's prompt was memories of cultural anthropology professor Tim searching for the proper word and finally coming up with "stuff" for the topic under discussion. Stuff encompasses a whole lot of tangibles and intangibles. I even have a "life stuff" label or tag for this blog.

Ya know what? I really really enjoy much of life's stuff that tends to collect and pile up (on its own and by itself of course). Some of that stuff, those things, are helpful or utilitarian, but usefulness aside, pieces that excite me tend to be colorful and/or visually appealing. That means quilts, dishes, paintings and other wall art. It means clothes I wear every day or only occasionally. Sweaters, dresses, scarves!

What's my pleasure for blogging today's stuff? Notice my header image features imperfect flowers and the font for STUFF is eroded. But what stuff will I write about? Imperfect life stuff everything, confounded memories, eroded hopes, broken dreams… And unexpected, open-ended futures.

We're again into the quiet season of Advent. Advent in the global North happens as winter moves in, as we anticipate the shortest day, longest night. As we anticipate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God, the light of the world. First-born from the dead.

Jesus' eventual followers never imagined the type of Savior he would be. Religious higher-ups couldn't cope with his faithfulness to Torah that yet turned upside down their stilted interpretations. He confounded governmental leaders. But Jesus' earthly ministry was only the beginning. At least in their heads, most knew the thread of death and resurrection that weaves through the Hebrew scriptures, but the lived reality of new life, revitalized stuff of every kind from the ashes of the old? Memories are short. Comprehension not exactly comprehensive.

Doesn't that sound like us? This isn't the way it needs to be. This isn't how it always will be. Did you know winter is necessary for some flowers to bloom? So necessary that if winter isn't cool enough or dark enough in that location, you need to imitate colder darker days for newness ever to be.

Flowers and veggies and fruits, yes! What about communities, countries, individuals, movements, ideas that need to winter before they spring to life?

Imperfect life stuff everything, confounded memories, eroded hopes, broken dreams… And unexpected futures!

Are you letting the stuff of your hopes and dreams hibernate so it can blossom and bloom? Is your future stuff worth letting this present winter for a while? Whether it's material like quilts and clothing, spiritual like closer connections to the Spirit, career-related like increased opportunities for service and change, all that stuff sometimes needs to be ignored for a season for unexpected, open-ended futures. Wintering is part of practicing resurrection! Really!

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Saturday, November 30, 2024

November and Autumn 2024

yellow flowers
September 2024 Summary

October Rundown

Urban Wilderness City Paradise Lectionary Blog for November

• As you can see, I'm still blogging some of my favorite art and design here. I like the idea of simplifying, though it's not exactly one single place for everything because I still have the separate lectionary blog and I'll always have design and music websites.

autumn bouquet from Christ the King Torrance
• A lively autumn bouquet from All Saints Sunday at Christ the King in Torrance
voting collage
• Tuesday 05 November and voting was…well, we're losing the free press but we still have the secret ballot. At least I need to trust we do.
West Los Angeles greenery
West Los Angeles Greenery
• A few more Sunday trips to West LA; these pictures are from 10 and 17 November.

• Although I joined in spring 2023 with the phone before my current one, I've been getting more active on BlueSky.
bouquet of flowers
• A spectacular bouquet of posies on the kitchen table
greenery at Mount Olive Church in Santa Monica
• Again this year (as in 2021) I enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at Mount Olive in Santa Monica; here's a greenery group from the venue.
thanksgiving dinners collage
• A thanksgiving dinner on Monday
• A surprise thanksgiving dinner on Tuesday! (first picture)
• Another on Wednesday! (second picture – leftovers from Monday)
• Last picture is from the actual Day of Giving Thanks
pink roses and s unflowers
• Each table had a bouquet of pink roses and small sunflowers that didn't photograph well because of background noise. But here they are gathered together afterwards!
livinglocal 2024
pinkc roses and sunflowers square collage with four pictures