Friday, December 06, 2024

Five Minute Friday :: Stuff

life stuff flowers
Five Minute Friday :: Stuff Linkup

The snow duck is so cute!

My first take on this week's prompt was memories of cultural anthropology professor Tim searching for the proper word and finally coming up with "stuff" for the topic under discussion. Stuff encompasses a whole lot of tangibles and intangibles. I even have a "life stuff" label or tag for this blog.

Ya know what? I really really enjoy much of life's stuff that tends to collect and pile up (on its own and by itself of course). Some of that stuff, those things, are helpful or utilitarian, but usefulness aside, pieces that excite me tend to be colorful and/or visually appealing. That means quilts, dishes, paintings and other wall art. It means clothes I wear every day or only occasionally. Sweaters, dresses, scarves!

What's my pleasure for blogging today's stuff? Notice my header image features imperfect flowers and the font for STUFF is eroded. But what stuff will I write about? Imperfect life stuff everything, confounded memories, eroded hopes, broken dreams… And unexpected, open-ended futures.

We're again into the quiet season of Advent. Advent in the global North happens as winter moves in, as we anticipate the shortest day, longest night. As we anticipate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God, the light of the world. First-born from the dead.

Jesus' eventual followers never imagined the type of Savior he would be. Religious higher-ups couldn't cope with his faithfulness to Torah that yet turned upside down their stilted interpretations. He confounded governmental leaders. But Jesus' earthly ministry was only the beginning. At least in their heads, most knew the thread of death and resurrection that weaves through the Hebrew scriptures, but the lived reality of new life, revitalized stuff of every kind from the ashes of the old? Memories are short. Comprehension not exactly comprehensive.

Doesn't that sound like us? This isn't the way it needs to be. This isn't how it always will be. Did you know winter is necessary for some flowers to bloom? So necessary that if winter isn't cool enough or dark enough in that location, you need to imitate colder darker days for newness ever to be.

Flowers and veggies and fruits, yes! What about communities, countries, individuals, movements, ideas that need to winter before they spring to life?

Imperfect life stuff everything, confounded memories, eroded hopes, broken dreams… And unexpected futures!

Are you letting the stuff of your hopes and dreams hibernate so it can blossom and bloom? Is your future stuff worth letting this present winter for a while? Whether it's material like quilts and clothing, spiritual like closer connections to the Spirit, career-related like increased opportunities for service and change, all that stuff sometimes needs to be ignored for a season for unexpected, open-ended futures. Wintering is part of practicing resurrection! Really!

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  1. Wow. I love this. So much. It really spoke to me!

    1. This is Beth stopping by from FMF. Thank you for sharing!

  2. "Are you letting the stuff of your hopes and dreams hibernate so it can blossom and bloom?" Good food for thought.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am surrounded by the stuff
    I could not finish by the day
    that God figured I'd had enough,
    and that really is okay,
    'cause dreams are not accomplishment,
    they are the road on which we travel,
    and there's no reason to resent
    their tendency to just unravel.
    Roads, out here, they do that too,
    start in pavement, end in dirt
    that's rough and rutted through and through,
    but even though the ride may hurt
    the finest end to travellers' tales
    come at the end of hard travails.

  4. 'Wintering is part of practicing resurrection!' Very interesting thought. Thank you.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!