Friday, November 15, 2024

Five Minute Friday :: Void

rewilding tomatoes
"rewilding." tomatoes tangle in community garden

Five Minute Friday :: Void Linkup

We think of a void as an empty space, or something that lacks. An empty set. "Devoid of mystery." "Devoid of feeling." Scream or gaze into a void, into somewhere that contains nothing or no one. You might void an invoice or a debt so zero is left to pay—whether they've paid in full or the obligation has been forgiven, that particular void is very good news for the debtor, so some voids are welcome and positive ones.

But I feel as if I exist in a void. None of my output (writing, art, what else is there at this time?) is connected to anything or anyone else. It has no sources of inspiration. It's antiseptic and uncontaminated. Much too clean. Making my own thesaurus: fallow; empty; deserted; sterile; siloed.

Lately many of us have been concerned about rewilding places that have become too civilized, too tame. They've been emptied of their essential biodiversity, which has caused the remaining organisms to be less than they were meant to be, to function less than optimally. In some cases to die! They've become "de-natured!" I even have a t-shirt that reads "Keep It Wild!" Old Navy produced those shirts with the environment in mind, but I bought one with my own situation in mind.

For whatever reason, my days have lost the diversity they once naturally had. I lost people who knew me, who knew my dreams, were acquainted with my history. Music, ideas, and colors that surrounded and inspired me went away, causing me to be less than I was meant to be, to operate far less than my best. Hey, I even lost my own dreams! I lost track of my own history.

So…I'm in the process (talk about a clean concept!) of rewilding my life. Getting tangled up in almost whatever comes my way, and sorting through it as I go. Letting people and ideas get in my way so I need to consider them before I dismiss them. So I'm leaving the void behind, letting life creep and flow into the emptiness, and starting to make everything wild again.

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  1. In a place where I did live
    the city fathers gloated
    that 'twas only they could give
    that for which people voted,
    a town so sanitized and tame
    that the wild would be excluded,
    but it was not pity nor shame
    that all were self-deluded
    when the coyotes came to call
    and found a happy home
    right beside upmarket mall
    through which they'd daily roam
    and join mall-walkers as the sun
    rose on interspecies fun.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!