I so still need to work at being more observant, but I'm still posting a list this week.
1. This year I remembered to start designing for Season of Creation—four Sundays in September.
2. Gotta love the kittens!
3. No. 3 is a sketchbook again, this time it's getting yet another Academie sketchbook through Amazon Vine; this one's lighter weight paper, and slightly different 11" x 7 ⅞" dimensions.
4. I got the book cover design contract! I thought my bid might have been too late, but evidently not. Yay, me!
5. Thrifty ice cream again! Rainbow (orange, raspberry, lime) Sherbet and Coconut Pineapple.
6. Singing the National Anthem before the Friday evening Padres – Dodgers game at Petco Park.
7. Before walking onto the field, we sang the doxology in the tunnel (did I mention this was a churches choir?).
8. Padres 3, Dodgers 2, in bottom of 12th inning.
9. Another innings of Thrifty Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip and Butter Pecan..
11. Town-and-Gown Church's electric meter now is going backwards—technically solar installation is in a test phase, but basically it's done.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
week of grace 04
1. Writing for August's "connection" synchroblog.
2. Two scoops of Thrifty ice cream again―this time Pistachio and Pecan Praline—always such a difficult decision!
3. Finding an 8.5" x 11" Academie sketchbook on sale to complete my set of three different sizes.
4. Serving as liturgist for Wednesday evening Vespers.
5. Dale Wood's amazing, stunning, stark, angular, dorian mode setting of the Magnificat in LBW Evening Prayer deserves a line of its own. It's truly a genius piece, with a melody range of only a single octave, d to d, no accidentals anywhere in melody or accompaniment. It also gets my wondering why the fairly recent ELW didn't include it?!
6. Getting to take the very first shower ever in the new tub in the new bathroom!
7. Greek salad for lunch at Panera.
8. Two menus to design this week! One of my fave things, and they always make excellent portfolio pieces!
9. Getting to read and comment on another of T's sermons.
10. Happy to be back sleeping in my bedroom after a month of upstairs bathroom renovation, etc.
11. A few more pics toward my future bicycles photo gallery for blog and Facebook design page.
12. Savory Fish Taco—as always, I added cilantro/ onion from the salsa bar and got to think how cool that cilantro is manna, though these green leaves definitely are not the Bread of Heaven part of the plant.
2. Two scoops of Thrifty ice cream again―this time Pistachio and Pecan Praline—always such a difficult decision!
3. Finding an 8.5" x 11" Academie sketchbook on sale to complete my set of three different sizes.
4. Serving as liturgist for Wednesday evening Vespers.
5. Dale Wood's amazing, stunning, stark, angular, dorian mode setting of the Magnificat in LBW Evening Prayer deserves a line of its own. It's truly a genius piece, with a melody range of only a single octave, d to d, no accidentals anywhere in melody or accompaniment. It also gets my wondering why the fairly recent ELW didn't include it?!
6. Getting to take the very first shower ever in the new tub in the new bathroom!
7. Greek salad for lunch at Panera.
8. Two menus to design this week! One of my fave things, and they always make excellent portfolio pieces!
9. Getting to read and comment on another of T's sermons.
10. Happy to be back sleeping in my bedroom after a month of upstairs bathroom renovation, etc.
11. A few more pics toward my future bicycles photo gallery for blog and Facebook design page.
12. Savory Fish Taco—as always, I added cilantro/ onion from the salsa bar and got to think how cool that cilantro is manna, though these green leaves definitely are not the Bread of Heaven part of the plant.
tags, topics
San Diego,
weeks of grace
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
touch of life: August Synchroblog
August Synchroblog on wordpress
A single word prompt and an image!
Connection immediately triggered "It's not what you know or who you know―it's who knows you" that determines your success out there in the world. But as I enjoyed the illustrations of various kinds of human connections, I remembered social and professional connections aren't the only kind. However, they're the type of connection I still obsess about a lot.
Recent internet quote: "Everybody needs community and loving friendship and a place where they belong." I've blogged what I've been able about my too many experiences of losing friendships and connections with too many people I believed I'd grow older with. Even more perplexing, I've been unable to reweave anything remotely resembling the personal friendships and professional colleagues an individual person needs to keep on keepin' on. Back then, it seemed simple. I'd invite an acquaintance to join me for lunch or for a snack or another activity. We'd start talking, get together again, and soon I'd be connected to, touching others I'd meet through that very first new connection. But it has not been that simple. I still need what I describe as a "community of recognition, acknowledgment, and participation." I still need a place of belonging minus the rude remarks and exclusive behavior that have become too common. It's one thing to sneak around, pretend I don't have the background I have, because in at least some of those cases, quite a few people have been willing to meet me where they think I am. But presenting myself that way is a type of false witness to my own realities! Troubles and exclusion ensue when I do admit my background, needs, losses, and desires to participate and contribute. All that internet connecting most of us have been up to is fine as far as it goes, but like the examples in the picture prompt, I need to touch and be touched again with a hug, a knowing glance, a smile. The gospel is physical—something you can feel, smell, taste, hear, and see. I need someone to connect to, to bring me back to life.
Enough said for now. I'm tagging his post with #synchroblog and with #life stuff, hoping (against hope?) someone will look through a few of my other "life stuff" posts.

other August synchrobloggers:
Jerry Wirtley – Connection
Sara Quezada – Can You Really Know Someone In A Different Language?
Ford – Interindependence
Michael Donahoe – Connection
Minnow – Our Dis-Connect
Justin Steckbauer – Connection in Love, it’s what Life is all about!
Carol Kuniholm – Disengagement and Connection
Wesley Rostoll – Finding Jesus In Different Places
Doreen A Mannion – A bunny, a fawn and some geese walk into a bar …
Leah Sophia – Touch of Life
Karen “Charity” Aldrich – Wuv True Wuv
Abbie Watters – Connection – Addicted to the Buzz
Liz Dyer – Human Connection and the Power of Empathy
Loveday Anyim – Why Get Connected to God when He can’t be there for Me?

Connection immediately triggered "It's not what you know or who you know―it's who knows you" that determines your success out there in the world. But as I enjoyed the illustrations of various kinds of human connections, I remembered social and professional connections aren't the only kind. However, they're the type of connection I still obsess about a lot.
Recent internet quote: "Everybody needs community and loving friendship and a place where they belong." I've blogged what I've been able about my too many experiences of losing friendships and connections with too many people I believed I'd grow older with. Even more perplexing, I've been unable to reweave anything remotely resembling the personal friendships and professional colleagues an individual person needs to keep on keepin' on. Back then, it seemed simple. I'd invite an acquaintance to join me for lunch or for a snack or another activity. We'd start talking, get together again, and soon I'd be connected to, touching others I'd meet through that very first new connection. But it has not been that simple. I still need what I describe as a "community of recognition, acknowledgment, and participation." I still need a place of belonging minus the rude remarks and exclusive behavior that have become too common. It's one thing to sneak around, pretend I don't have the background I have, because in at least some of those cases, quite a few people have been willing to meet me where they think I am. But presenting myself that way is a type of false witness to my own realities! Troubles and exclusion ensue when I do admit my background, needs, losses, and desires to participate and contribute. All that internet connecting most of us have been up to is fine as far as it goes, but like the examples in the picture prompt, I need to touch and be touched again with a hug, a knowing glance, a smile. The gospel is physical—something you can feel, smell, taste, hear, and see. I need someone to connect to, to bring me back to life.
Enough said for now. I'm tagging his post with #synchroblog and with #life stuff, hoping (against hope?) someone will look through a few of my other "life stuff" posts.

Jerry Wirtley – Connection
Sara Quezada – Can You Really Know Someone In A Different Language?
Ford – Interindependence
Michael Donahoe – Connection
Minnow – Our Dis-Connect
Justin Steckbauer – Connection in Love, it’s what Life is all about!
Carol Kuniholm – Disengagement and Connection
Wesley Rostoll – Finding Jesus In Different Places
Doreen A Mannion – A bunny, a fawn and some geese walk into a bar …
Leah Sophia – Touch of Life
Karen “Charity” Aldrich – Wuv True Wuv
Abbie Watters – Connection – Addicted to the Buzz
Liz Dyer – Human Connection and the Power of Empathy
Loveday Anyim – Why Get Connected to God when He can’t be there for Me?
tags, topics
life stuff,
Sunday, August 17, 2014
week of grace 03
I'm slowly learning to be more present in the moment so my lists will get longer and better. I realize Tara has been at this for quite a while; she's still the model I'm lookin' to.
1. Conclusion of VBS worship last Sunday at Church Around the Corner... it actually was standard every-other-Sunday casual format Eucharist followed by some of the VBS kids/ campers singing one of the songs they learned.
2. Serving as organist Wednesday evening for brief Eucharist celebrating Mary, Mother of Jesus – Theotokos (bearer of the eternal Word) – at Church On The Hill. I even used the zimbelstern for the Alleluias at the end of the final stanza of Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones!
3. First trip of the season to DQ on Thursday evening! I had a medium caramel sundae. It's always a temptation to size up when the next size is only 20¢ more. So I did.
4. It was wonderful to hear the sounds of solar panels being installed on the roof of Town-and-Gown when I was there on Friday practicing for Sunday.
5. Enjoying third Saturday lunch group from the PCUSA where I used to be involved. Especially fun to sit and talk with folks other than my "usual" table companions.
6. Excited to find a colorful bicycle outside Town-and-Gown when I got there this morning, so I made a great beginning on the bicycles photo group I've long wanted to do for my urban blog and my Facebook design page.
7. Getting my ticket for the Friday, 19 August Padres/Dodgers game at Petco. Just like last year, I'll be singing the National Anthem at a MLB game—with at least a couple hundred others! This year we have better, more expensive by $7 tickets, but I trust we'll still have an awesome view of the city and the people at the game.
8. I got more retweets and fave tweets than usual this past week, partly due to my being a little more industrious with actual tweets, rather than auto-tweets from blog or fb. 6,000+ tweets and counting on my suntreeriver twitter acct.
1. Conclusion of VBS worship last Sunday at Church Around the Corner... it actually was standard every-other-Sunday casual format Eucharist followed by some of the VBS kids/ campers singing one of the songs they learned.
2. Serving as organist Wednesday evening for brief Eucharist celebrating Mary, Mother of Jesus – Theotokos (bearer of the eternal Word) – at Church On The Hill. I even used the zimbelstern for the Alleluias at the end of the final stanza of Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones!
3. First trip of the season to DQ on Thursday evening! I had a medium caramel sundae. It's always a temptation to size up when the next size is only 20¢ more. So I did.
4. It was wonderful to hear the sounds of solar panels being installed on the roof of Town-and-Gown when I was there on Friday practicing for Sunday.
5. Enjoying third Saturday lunch group from the PCUSA where I used to be involved. Especially fun to sit and talk with folks other than my "usual" table companions.
6. Excited to find a colorful bicycle outside Town-and-Gown when I got there this morning, so I made a great beginning on the bicycles photo group I've long wanted to do for my urban blog and my Facebook design page.
7. Getting my ticket for the Friday, 19 August Padres/Dodgers game at Petco. Just like last year, I'll be singing the National Anthem at a MLB game—with at least a couple hundred others! This year we have better, more expensive by $7 tickets, but I trust we'll still have an awesome view of the city and the people at the game.
8. I got more retweets and fave tweets than usual this past week, partly due to my being a little more industrious with actual tweets, rather than auto-tweets from blog or fb. 6,000+ tweets and counting on my suntreeriver twitter acct.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
week of grace 02
A few years ago a therapist reminded me try to notice, appreciate and celebrate micro joys such as gently falling powder, a freshly picked berry. Related to noticing and observing, this past week at Vacation Bible School we talked about "God sightings" with the kids―needless to say, those would include aspects of nature such as flowers, trees, beaches, mountains, along with human interactions. Part of me says "but God's presence is hidden and paradoxical, as in the sacraments," yet there still remains a sense in which we can recognize in retrospect how God was there at that time! Here's a short second blog post of the past week's graces in review; for sure I need to do lots better about noticing and recording those small pleasures.
1. Five mornings of Vacation Bible School at Church Around the Corner!
2. A clean place to stay with two kittehs and one doggeh while the guys detoxed the mold in the house (along with tearing up floors and part of a bathroom).
3. Yummy Belgian waffles four mornings in a row!
4. Serving as organist for Wednesday evening's brief eucharist for the second take this (calendar and liturgical) year of the Feast of the Transfiguration.
5. Returning "home" to a house still not put back together, but with a fair amount of progress and tolerable air that doesn't smell too too bad.
6. Fresh, hot pizza from the Towne Square store after the VBS set strike party early Friday afternoon.
1. Five mornings of Vacation Bible School at Church Around the Corner!
2. A clean place to stay with two kittehs and one doggeh while the guys detoxed the mold in the house (along with tearing up floors and part of a bathroom).
3. Yummy Belgian waffles four mornings in a row!
4. Serving as organist for Wednesday evening's brief eucharist for the second take this (calendar and liturgical) year of the Feast of the Transfiguration.
5. Returning "home" to a house still not put back together, but with a fair amount of progress and tolerable air that doesn't smell too too bad.
6. Fresh, hot pizza from the Towne Square store after the VBS set strike party early Friday afternoon.
Friday, August 08, 2014
VBS 2014 day 5

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vacation bible school,
VBS 2014
Thursday, August 07, 2014
VBS 2014 day 4

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vacation bible school,
VBS 2014
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
VBS 2014 day 3

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vacation bible school,
VBS 2014
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
VBS 2014 day 2

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vacation bible school,
VBS 2014
Monday, August 04, 2014
VBS 2014 day 1

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vacation bible school,
VBS 2014
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