Wednesday, October 14, 2015

14 October: Fly

31 days of free writes oct 14, Fly

Day 14 of Kate Motaung's October 2015 edition of 31 days of free writes.

Wednesday 14 October: Fly

I'm writing about fly the verb and some of its tenses.

First off, Time Flies... The Best of Huey Lewis & The News Includes two of my all time faves, "If This Is It" and "The Power of Love." In The Finer Things, Steve Winwood sings, "time is a river, rolling into nowhere."

As I considered fly, I added up how many times I flew in and out of the commercial airport in A Former City in not all that many years: 7 round trips total 14, and a fly in from a lightning quick stay in an east coast beach city. 15 all told.

Photographer John Trotter wrote that in many ways time had stood still for him—rather than flying. In fact, time "hardly seemed to exist at all," yet when he slowly became aware and looked around, his friends and the rest of the world had gone a long way down the river without him. Like Trotter, I had a costly brain injury. Partly because it wasn't an open head injury, no one caught it early despite my many symptoms—and a trip to the ER. Have I experienced time flying? Both yes and no. I wish it would slow down because of chronology and the $$$, yet I can pick up on my patience post from yesterday and admit I've achieved and accomplished more than I'd ever imagined during those years the river of time has rolled along.

I don't know and won't count how many times I've blogged about my first solo flight as a passenger into Detroit metro, DTW. The City of Detroit long has held a place in my heart. Half of my family of origin has major Detroit connections, and I intentionally prepared for a life of very inner city urban ministry.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 minutes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 

Thanks to Kate for again gracing us with two beautiful button images for this Fly prompt! I love pictures of birds, but I have ornithophobia. Sybil at Oasis Bird Sanctuary in Benson, Arizona, told me the percentage of people who fear birds to some degree, and almost none of them have been dive bombed by falcons. Sometimes it's almost innate.

Additions to my post:

I added up my flights in and out of SLC because the first time I flew into there I'd never even driven through, never been on the edges of the Beehive State.

Everyone loses time, many people feel they've lost lots of time, yet we know God wastes none of it, weaves everything into a redemptive outcome. We also know the long long time between God's call to many people from scripture and the time they actual began the nitty gritty of that call in ways humans would recognize.

October 14 Fly October 2015 31 days of free writes


  1. It's funny. I was never really conscious of time flying too much until I had a child. Now it seems like everything flies by almost too quickly for me to take it in.

  2. I love that you are on this 31 day journey. It's been so fun to read your posts.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!