• For the last Wednesday of April 2018, Porch Stories host Kristin Taylor's bloggable events include her spouse starting a new decade! Happy Birthday, Greg!
• My summary blog for March 2018 concluded with the last day of Lent—Wednesday in Holy Week; this April overview Porch Story opens with the first part of the Three Day – "Triduum" – liturgy that encompasses Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter (vigil, sunrise, morning). How I would love you to join me on my urban balcony, country veranda, suburban porch, inner city back stoop, sandwich shop around the corner – life is about story and I want to hear yours, I need to start telling mine – please let me know when you're in town! Virtual is the best we can do at the moment, so I've illustrated some April places and spaces.
April 2018 :: Triduum through Earth Day
• Maundy Thursday we worshiped with one of our nearby ecumenical partners; prior to worship, we enjoyed a repast with savory sandwiches and salad (I often admit I easily could OD on salad), sweet hot cross buns.

• In imitation of Jesus' washing the feet of his friends, just as the PCUSA and one of the ELCA churches I attended in Previous City did, some congregations practice the ordinance of foot washing as part of the Maundy Thursday liturgy. The Passover liturgy historically includes two occurrences of hand-washing; most likely Jesus washed his disciples' feet during the second one that includes a blessing. For my third Maundy Thursday in Current City, we had our hands washed; what perfect preparation for continuing to serve year-round as God's Work, Our Hands...?

• Due to chaos, disarray, and one of my roommates preparing to move out Saturday evening (little did I know I'd receive news of my new dwelling place less than 24 hours later, on Easter Sunday afternoon), I didn't even imagine attending Easter Vigil, though Holy Saturday morning I enjoyed spring cleaning at church to help prepare for the newness of a resurrected creation.

• Easter on April 1st – April Fools?! No, not fooling at all! God's laughter behind the empty grave is for real!

• With our long anticipated and carefully planned World Water Event for 2018 over, Green Faith Team met on Friday of Bright Week, mostly to consider our contribution to the judicatory's upcoming annual assembly. I designed this year's logo and will be designing some of the related graphics! Yay, me! It finally occurred to me the school may no longer have an art teacher, which may account for no more student art in the windows of the building shared by church, school, and synod offices. Of course, I always could ask, but haven't yet. April's pictorial Glendale features colorful backpacks and Easter lilies.

• Saturday afternoon 14 April? LA Metro Conference Assembly, We Are Better Together! I didn't design the flyer, but it's a good one!

• Sunday 15 April – Moving House! – Pictures later!
• Sunday 22 April – Earth Day 48 – #EndPlasticPollution

• Maybe you've noticed I design for Earth Day every year? The previous Sunday I'd asked everyone in my adult forum / SS class to bring an earth-related idea, dream, incident, or experience. For my contribution, I arranged a separate edition smaller (than my bigger) notebook portfolio with only Earth Day and Season of Creation-related design and briefly explained each piece in a show and tell presentation. You can follow this link to see versions of most of them: Earth Day Art and Design.