Thursday, January 17, 2008

any good book friday 5

any good book friday 5 from Rev Gal (Guys, Friends) Blog Pals...

intro: hosting today, Heidi says, "...some books ARE better than others, " and I totally agree.

1. a book from the last 6 months that really has stayed with me—my checkbook, thankfully;

2. One of my favorite childhood books—Charlotte and the White Horse by Ruth Krauss, with Maurice Sendak's enchanting, dreamlike, delicate, etc. illustrations:

Charlotte and the White Horse jacket
This is the song of Charlotte
and Milky Way, her horse...
–the winter is going,
the wind and the rains are gone...
–the time of my singing is come.
Arise, my love, my fair one
my milk white Milky Way —
...the flowers appear on the earth.
Then the multitude gather and sing
Happy Birthday, dear Milky Way,
and when he hears his given name for the first time
the tears come up in his eyes ...

3. Favorite book of the Bible? Do tell? Just for now I'm telling you Deuteronomy, with its constant refrain into the land, into the land, into the land...please see my bonus regarding The Land!

I and Thou cover4. I could and have and probably will keep on reading over and over again Martin Buber's I and Thou;

5. For at least daily reading during Lent I'd recommend...Reflections for Ragamuffins by Brennan Manning, and why? He's been there, done that, bought the redemption, realizes the only way out is through, slices through to the root drive, cuts out and drains out the gunk and never spouts the stupid platitudes most Christians do in order to make me feel better but that actually wound further;

And because we all love bonus questions, if you were going to publish a book what would it be? Who would you want to write the jacket cover blurb expounding on your talent?

Working title: Justice, Freedom and Redemption: Divine Image and Creation's Glory, and in July 2004, I posted the bibliography I'd read thus far, but since then, the book has been sidelined, mainly due to my doing so much theology...I'm not sure who'd write about the author, but my Community Economic Development (mini-MBA) classmates called me "Renaissance Person," so I'd love someone to pick up and elaborate on that accolade! Thanks for the earliness, Heidi.


  1. Wonderful, Leah--I can't wait to read your book! And I will have to look for a Sendak I've never heard of, that works in the Song of Songs--how wonderful.

  2. Good play, Leah!
    I want to check out the Sendak book and I will be one of the first to buy a copy of the book...but I want mine signed please.

  3. Interesting book title. I hope you find time to finish soon.

    Thanks for playing!

  4. i'll have to check out manning's book - cuz i'm wanting to avoid the chrisitan platitudes dept. in preaching...

    and for some reason i was reading about your lovely childhood book and craving a candy bar... (i'll keep sipping coffee though)

  5. Thanks for the reminder about's been a while; I'll have to pick it back up.

  6. "Charlotte and the White Horse" sounds charming. I'll have to remember it for when I ever have grandchildren.

    I never finished reading "I and Thou," so you make me think that that will be the next book I'll read. Thanks.

  7. this is a great play, and colorful, too. I'd love to read your book, and you remind me of why I ought to check out Brennan Manning again. thanks!

  8. Hmm, you've got me thinking about Deuteronomy...

  9. Thanks for reminding me of I and Thou. I had forgotten it.

  10. Brennan Manning's book is a great choice. (He is one of the most powerful speakers I've ever heard)

    And, I want to red your book!

  11. I hope you get to finish your book!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!