Thursday, March 31, 2011

quick pick 5

kathrynzj hosts this week's quick pick Friday 5; here's her quick how-to:

"five quick picks of things that are good in your life. And as a bonus, 1 pick for a thing you could do without.
If you want to describe them? Great.
If not? That's fine too."

Not surprisingly, [originally] I'm blogging in rose for Laetare...

1. the liturgical year remains constant, healing and familiar, yet frequently surprising;

2. alongside the liturgical seasons, the rhythms of the astronomical and meteorological seasons;

3. food! burritos, sandwiches, nachos, pasta, tacos, ice cream... you know about cognitive behavioral therapy? Another way anyone can help make almost everything more tolerable and, of course, that includes:

4. music on radio, iPod and CD... and I'd love to start performing again, too, and leading music in church. Is that such an extreme request and desire?

5. my Facebook design page! Although I'd like to find time to add more of my art as well as more pages and galleries from fans and more design- nature- and environment-related links, it's fulfilling my hope and its description of "...bringing a vision of the New Creation and creating community for people in the visual arts and their friends... " and has almost 500 fans! As insanely frustrated and perplexed as I am about lack of music and theology opps, I'm still delighted I got back to art and design, which were my very first passions (before kindergarten, actually)...

bonus. for sure I could do without the too long a time of attempting to reach out and find reasonable opportunities for participation in church and world. For sure southern California and the 21st century don't exactly enhance the situation, but... I'll leave this one at that. Thanks, Kathryn!


  1. mmmm, food.....

    And LOVE that the Facebook page is working out so well for you.

    Thanks for playing!

  2. Nice play. Exciting about the facebook page! And of course, who can argue about food?

  3. music is one for me too. There have been times when I've had to listen to only one instrument, a bit overwhelmed. But always a source to connect to the source.

    Blessings as you continue...

  4. heading over to check out your facebook page...
    love your play...
    and I just learned about Laetare last week.

    oh we in the UCC!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!