Friday, January 27, 2012

odds & ends friday 5

Today on Rev Gal Blog Pals Sally hosts an odds and ends 5 and asks, even in the busyness of the week what has:

teal waves 21. Colour, pattern, line and design continue to inspire me. I've been updating my suntreeriver design blog and truly enjoying my own creativity.

2. I'm still tremendously challenged by the absence of real life local community and ministry opps and by the lack of human connections who might be able to suggest options and let others know about my needs, background and abilities.

3. After a couple weeks of chilly weather, warmer, longer days have been making me smile.

4. The political insanities in the pre-presidential race in the USA have made me cross and made me need (not just want) to weep.

5. Remembering past experiences of God's faithfulness in spite of me and in spite of everyone else too has kept me going again... scripture constantly encourages - commands! - us to remember and as Walter Brueggemann says, "It all depends on a memory."

Thanks, Sally!


  1. I'm inspired by you! I agree with your #4, rejoice in your #5, and I'm going to explore more of your blog.

  2. Between the political rhetoric and the PCUSA rhetoric...I am so with you on #4.

    Brueggemann is one of my theological heroes.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!