Hosting today, revkjarla explains,
Lots has happened—horrible storms, the election, plus, whatever is happening in your own lives....I've always found November and December kind of low months; I've long felt winter basically is over by January 1st, though technically it's just begun. So in spite of darker, shorter days, and longer nights… I'm givin' you 5:
[therefore,] It's time to take a breather, and so, our Friday Five is to find your happy places, so that in spite of snow (here), in spite of it getting dark by 4 pm (here), in spite of (fill in the blank) you (I) remember the joyful sweetness of our lives!
Give us five "I haz a happy"s...... for your Friday Five.
1. I'm starting to get a happy that for the past few weeks I've been helping prepare Thursday evening family dinner at church around the corner and across the street (a while back in a former city, I worked as a line chef for a while, which was one of my half-dozen favorite jobs). It was nice that associate pastor again asked me "did we win?" referring to the fall digital art contest at a local church I'd told her about. Including both of us with the word "we" was… priceless. During dinner I had a kind of normal conversation with the Hispanic pastor; we talked about Amtrak vs driving to LA or the Bay Area. I felt recognized and almost ok.
2. I was happy to post my Advent-Nativity designs on my facebook page and on my liturgical art blog.
3. This past week I've been lovin' watching and feeling early morning fog burn off to bright sunshine, though today's overcast with close to 100% chance of rain. That rocks, too.
4. Kittehs >"< make me happy enough to purr >"< 5. I love the COLOURlovers site and visit every day, but don't create anything very often. However, I was soooo happy to see this palette go relatively viral, including #1 for both the day and the week for a spell and now all-time #85.

1. i am happy that i am getting enough orders through to pay for cat food and gas for my car since i am not working. it feels good to not have to borrow from my mom to feed my cats.
ReplyDelete2. when stressed i find happiness by going back to memories of spending my summers in west virginia, i used to play in the forest and the meadows around my great aunt's house - i can center myself and calm down my pulling up a memory of being in the meadow.
3. my cats make me happy..they know when i'm sad and they are the part of a negative part of my past that i have kept and they, along with my mom were the bright lights in the darkness that enabled me to pull through.
4. my friends make me happy - i am never alone with my troubles.
5. i can find happiness in the simplest of things: the feel of the breeze on my face, the scent of the ocean on the air, a bird singing, a flower bloomings..etc...
kittehs make me happy, too! and I peeked at your advent/nativity designs. I like them very, very much!