desert spirit's fire @ 11: part 1
Today is my 11-year blogoversary! Facebook friend Sasha posted this status a few days ago because she needed some ideas for a class assignment: "If someone asked you to put 7 items into a bag, that described a little bit about who you are; what items would you put into that bag?!" What a great writing prompt, and how appropriate for an anniversary post. My "little bit about who" I am is mostly about my creative endeavors and efforts (pictures later):
1 art supplies: sketch pad; markers; crayola crayons; pencils; an eraser; sharpies; triangles, ruler, french curves.
2 camera and (paper) calendar.
3 notebook with wide lines for journaling and other writing on one side only of each page; ballpoint pens in red, blue, and black.
4 a book to read; right now I have at least three by Brueggemann almost totally unread, so one of those will go into my backpack.
5 a bible, so I can check scripture references for writing, drawing, and designing—read and study some, too!
6 I realize this prompt is more about durable goods, but I need to include snacks: iced tea; sandwich; salad; a couple pieces of fruit.
7 a long-sleeved sweater or sweatshirt... being too cold is the only thing more miserable than being hungry.
desert spirit's fire @ 11: part 2
This week also is RevGalBlogPals' birthday, and they're hosting a carnival! Two questions:
1. What's your birthday tradition?
A great meal, preferably with friends or acquaintances; failing that, a yummy meal by myself. I also love to celebrate my baptismal birthday in a similar way.
2. If you were blowing out the RevGal birthday candles, what would you wish for us? What's your dream for RevGalBlogPals?
I'd love to meet a few RevGals IRL; I've noticed how much closer and how much more interested in each others blogs and other activities the gals and guys who've met each other are. In general, I'd like the blog itself and the ring activities to keep developing, changing, and evolving as they have.
desert spirit's fire @ 11: part 3
Finally, last Sunday afternoon, Tara at
Praying on the Prairie inspired me to list ten current blessings:
1 Although I'm planning to move northward in a few months, for this interim, I've been trying to create my own 3-point parish. My first blessing is the church where I'm supply organist a couple times a month. They finally excitedly welcomed a new pastor after a long interim of about 2 years!
2 "CAC," aka "Church Around the Corner."
3 "COH," that's Church On the Hill... up the hill a piece from here.
4 My two kittehs, AlleyMalibu or AM, and Roxy.
5 I need to begin believing I'll be able to create a new normal. I am starting to believe I'll find a new normal of meaning and purpose.
6 An abundance of the fruit of the earth: good grub and refreshing drink. Local fresh berries, tomatoes, corn, peaches, nectarines, lettuce and more have been the best.
7 Eucharist every Sunday.
8 Given how sadly uncreative my writing and reflections have become (I'm thinking that will change once I have a real life again), I've especially been enjoying reviewing some books for
The Speakeasy; I also appreciate being an amazon vine reviewer. I trust the authors appreciate it, too!
9 Tomorrow truly is another day.
10 My new phone—today I celebrated by finally getting a smarter phone. For about 30 seconds I actually considered going for an iPhone (MacFanatic here), but realized my very lightweight 14 MP Nikon has more photo, video, and sound capabilities than the iPhone, and I really don't need all those apps.