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• Appendix I, Synopsis of the Developmental Periods
• Appendix II, Magic-Mythic and Apocalyptic Views of 2012
• Appendix III, Interspiritual Multiplex Resource Website (please note: no "www")
• Bibliography of "Books and articles consulted or referred to in The Coming Interspiritual Age"
Authors Johnson and Ord tell us "Generally, the expression 'spiritual world' refers to the entire dimension of consciousness, including the 'spirit realm' or 'astral realm' referred to in virtually every religious tradition." [chapter 14] They remind us some religious styles and traditions are closer to "revealed';" others could better be described as "consciousness" religions, though each has elements of the other; both types are important and complement each other. The late Brother Wayne Teasdale insisted, "Everyone is a mystic." Everyone participates on some level in the mysteries of this world and worlds unknown. Beyond this planet earth, within this globe, in some wholly other ethereal realm? Maybe all of those.
From the start, the authors remind us of the ultimate non-dualism of the interdependence of all creation, despite most of us operating most of the time detached from the other than us. Ultimately, it's about our "primary interspirituality, shared consciousness and heart, right here, right now." [chapter 28] That fact partly explains why, to quote Ari Ariyaratne, "We who have been born Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or any other faith can be very comfortable in each other's temples."[chapter 10] However, please be warned, interspirituality is not syncretism, not a blend or a blended religion. [chapter 18]
The Coming Interspiritual Age... "coming age?" That era is both here and now, and yet to come, very much in the sense of Jesus of Nazareth's earthly ministry and the eschatological lifestyle to which the Spirit summons and enables the present-day Church of Jesus Christ. We're moving into "...the collective―the world of 'We,' including all that's transcultural, transnational, trans-traditional, and world-centric." [chapter 23] Consider this book for a study group, as the basis of a university, community college, or continuing education course, possibly as a discussion document for an ecumenical or interfaith group. Outstanding!
my amazon review: Interdependent Spirituality
That book sounds great! I need to save it to my wishlist on Amazon. ;) Just reading your review reminds me of the psych of religion course I took in college. Always a fascinating subject!