Friday, September 12, 2014

random today 5

September Random Friday 5 original from Karla, who announces, "Hello Pals—Random – Today!!! Friday Five is back!

1. My all expenses paid sneak away anywhere this weekend would be a Caribbean Island with beach time and yummy food both days; I'll find a concert and dancing for Saturday evening.

2. What is for lunch today? No clue yet—maybe some non-fast food before or after the Gem Faire of No. 4.

3. Along that first-FF- Karla-ever-played theme, today I'm wearing:
• orange - green – purple – turquoise Indian plaid shirt from the Fashion Valley Old Navy store that tragically shut its doors three or four months ago (same shirt as in one of the recent Walgreen's "At the corner of happy and healthy" TV commercials);

• regular street length dark blue denim embroidered skirt from Kohl's via eBay;

• black flip-flops from Tar-Jay.
4. Along the Today Theme, today I'm going to Gem Faire after Friday fiving and doing some design.

5. Along the random theme, here's an "about" some of my favorite scents:
Natural: almost any fresh fruit or veggie—try peaches, garden tomatoes, grapefruit. Some flowers. The beach! The beach! That's "the beach except at low tide." City, country, beach, desert, absolutely anywhere after rainfall. Veggies, herbs, and spices sizzling on the stovetop or on the grill. Bread out of the oven (even the groc store variety wins this one).

Packaged: since I was a teenager, I've loved the smell of Gold Dial, and it's still my most frequent shower soap. Other than Dial, I used to avoid anything scented—there was that time back in my undergrad days I mistakenly bought non-unscented deodorant and fell over my feet returning to the store to exchange it However, as a more [chronologically] mature adult, I've started enjoying subtly scented body splashes and "fresh" scent deodorants, too, as long as the scent dissipates quickly. I bough several Bath & Body Works' now out of production grapefruit jasmine in the store and even a couple on eBay since B&BW phased it out, but it's so old now, I wouldn't trust any that remained.

Why about my fave smells: I realize everything is chemical, but I actually can recognize nature in fruits, veggies, beach, and in most flowers, too. I like those particular B&BW offerings because they don't have a sense of the fake and manufactured, and they even don't overwhelm the exterior of the store for a quarter mile or so.

Thanks, Karla! Love and joy back to you and everyone!


  1. aww, awesome play. I love how you separated out the scents in natural, packaged, etc.

  2. Okay, so let’s see
    1. If I could go anywhere this weekend on an all-expenses paid trip it would be to New Orleans. My Cousin is getting married in a few days and I would love to be able to go plus, New Orleans has always been a place that I want to go to; so much history there!
    2. Lunch today was a low-carb yogurt and a slice of zpizza’s ham and pineapple pizza on wheat crust.
    3. I’m wearing denim shorts from Kohl’s, black flip flops that I got at Costco and a totally nerdy shirt that is a mashup of Doctor Who and Say Anything.
    4. Today I splurged for a pedicure and then am going to take all three cats to the vet
    5. Looks like this is about my favorite smells so my favorite natural scents are lavender and sweet pea, my favorite perfume is DK Cashmere Mist and my favorite smell has to be the scent of baking bread of that fresh clean smell that happens after a rain.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!