Sunday, October 05, 2014

week of grace 08

After a few week's sabbatical for this topic, here's Week of Grace 08, I backtracked a bit to account for missing last week

presbyterian women logo
1. A wonderful time along with many welcome compliments for leading hymns on the piano for the monthly meeting of Presbyterian Women at the church I used to attend.

2. Lunch and conversation afterwards in the social hall gets a line of its own: Chicken Divan; tossed green salad with southern California special ranch dressing, rolls and butter, yellow cake with white frosting.

3. Finally got highlights, haircut, etc. done.

Banh Mi
4. Yummy super-fresh Bánh Mi at the salon—aka "Linda's Garage".

5. Box of frozen waffles turned out to be blueberry instead of buttermilk per outside package label! how fun!

resurrection city cover
6. Speakeasy blogger/reader bureau (underground discussion community of off-the-beaten path faith, spirituality, & culture books) sent me an actual physical copy of Resurrection City, one of my fave books I reviewed for them that at the time they only had digital copies to distribute!

7. Wednesday evening Brief Eucharist for St Michael & All Angels (Gabriel, Raphael) followed by monthly first Wednesday Healing Rite

8. Several comment exchanges with another amazon vine reviewer who likes my reviews!

9. Excellent post-liturgy Sunday brunch to welcome new and old students at Town-and-Gown. Like most (all?) UC schools, they're on a quarter system so didn't start the current school year until now.

1 comment:

thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!