Over the past decade and then some I've narrated bits and pieces of this blog's history and probably not enough of my own history; the archives will show you some. If you're online much, you've probably noticed starting a blog has become one of the things to do—that also was true back in 2002. In May 2002 I'd finished a year long certificate – mini-MBA – in Community Economic Development. As with most of my classmates who didn't do the program because it related to their current employment, I hadn't found a job during those two semesters, so I planned to network as much as possible during the coming year(s). I'd serendipitously heard about the CED program on the radio at exactly the same time I found out the possible worship specialist gig (not church musician, though it might have evolved into that) I might have returned to the east coast for no longer could happen. Since the beginning of time in terms of my agency to make life choices, everything had been more skills for inner city ministry; some people say urban, but I say "inner city" and I intend inner city. My very first internet venture had been a city site in the now defunct MSN groups; the page still was active during 2002. Post-another graduation with summer 2002 wide open before me, in my decision to blog I knew the subject had to be my second passion that interacted constantly with my first love, cities—that would be theology! I listed combinations of possible blog titles and read them out loud to assess what went down best. Desert spirit's fire won. In addition to four more theology blogs, over those fourteen years I started a dozen blogs for different subjects; recently out of necessity and in a quest for semi-saneness I began reposting some of my urban and design best blog posts on desert spirit's fire in order to simplify my life and unify my online presence.
Desert Spirit's Fire! remains "my more formal theology," but I've been bringing more of my everyday life into it. You know the description: theology • ecology • liturgy • life. After hearing only snippets of my history, someone in Previous City remarked how I'd kept growing my résumé in spite of everything, and yep, I have, and this blog has been major in helping me articulate my sacramental and other theologies, particularly in between times when I haven't been teaching on a regular basis.
Congrats to Kristin and Greg on 14 Years Together! Considering all the places I've lived where the dishwasher was broken, a new dishwasher sounds like a helpful accessory. You easily could say Desert Spirit's Fire! and I have been 14 Years Together, so I'm giving myself a shoutout, an atta girl, a hat tip, and wistful hopes for fourteen more years and counting of blogging...

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