Today on Wednesday 02 November 2016, I'm...
appreciating the morning sunset font by Missy Meyer I just got (free this week!) from font bundles.
still learning when my anxiety is so intense an electric current is charging through my body, my stomach is turning somersaults, my legs are rubber, and the world is spinning around me, there's no point in trying to work on anything or accomplish a thing.
designing corporate holiday cards for several design clients;
anticipating the judicatory's Green Faith Team meeting tomorrow and...
excitedly preparing an opening devotional (aka "micro sermon") referencing Reformation and All Saints.
expecting to find longer-term housing very soon;
basking in all the wonderful feedback I got for my Reformation worship bulletin cover and...
hoping it will lead to the church using some of my black and white bulletin covers. As you know, color photocopying is very expensive, but most Sundays they use the same clipart series from the 1970s that Church on the Hill in Previous City used, some are very nice, others not interesting, so there's room for me there.
grazing through my eBay saved searches for the first time in a couple of months. I have quite a few – about 30 – and used to check them on Saturday mornings that in real life typically didn't happen until Monday or Tuesday. I love retail therapy and enjoy online shopping, but the uncertainly of fit and drape mostly leads me to shop locally rather than on eBay.
energized about winter with its haunting afternoons, shorter days, longer nights, and increased propensities toward reflecting and pondering rather than frantically doing.
thinking through a blog post featuring some of my activities during September and October just now past.
minorly apprehensive about preparing a thorough but not overwhelming intro to Matthew's gospel for my adult SS class. Most Sundays we discuss a reading from the Revised Common Lectionary; Matthew's year A will begin the first Sunday of Advent.

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