The Shift by Keion Henderson on Amazon

Get this book and keep this book! The Shift will remind you God has your back, and despite your choices being limited at times, you still can help maximize a life of service that will align with God's gifts to you, God's purpose for you. Lighthouse Church Houston's Senior Pastor Keion Henderson wrote
The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season out of his own journey and generously interspersed his testimony of God's faithfulness with scriptural examples. Everyone tends to notice larger, less familiar life disruptions more than everyday ones, yet our lives are shifting all the time. The author reflects upon inevitable, subtler seasonal shifts along with cataclysmic, direction-reorienting ones.
Please remember—in order to move forward, you must not forget the past! Don't cut yourself off from its legacy, remember the lessons the past has taught us. Because God wastes nothing, those events still matter, and we need to draw upon older learnings for upcoming seasons. In a similar way, embrace and acknowledge disappointments small and large. Follow and appreciate the paths life's detours take you on. "Sometimes we need to adjust to an empty stage before it's re-set for the next act. ... Do not be afraid to weep over what has been lost in order to water the seeds already planted inside you."
I particularly love Pastor Keion's idea of documenting your journey with journaling, maybe with a physical memento (souvenir), possibly by identifying the song that moved you then. If you've achieved some chronology, you probably could have written some of these chapters, yet how helpful is it to have someone else validate what you know and feel, and especially have someone who's searched the scriptures affirm how to move on by referring to the witness of scripture?
From what you can discern, where do you need to be, what do you need to be doing right now to help God's future for you develop and unfold? Like the author's young daughter insisting she had to dance because "dancing's what we're supposed to do," we need dancing lessons from Jesus who's Lord of the Dance so we can learn to follow God's leading.
Each chapter concludes with questions for the reader and a prayer. Did I already tell you how much you need this book? Buy a copy, make it your own, buy a tall stack and gift them to everyone you know!
Notice of material connection: As a member of the launch team, I received a copy of
The Shift at no cost to myself with no expectation I'd write a positive review. As always, my opinions are my own.
my amazon review:
Get this Book! Keep this Book!