• With the world observing physical distancing due to the global reach of COVID-19, this has become an unusual Lent and a progressively stranger March. Some observers have suggested keeping 6 feet away from other humans may qualify as physical distancing, but many have been recovering the social closeness they'd lost as the world became more digitized.
• Beginning on Ash Wednesday in late February, most days I've been blogging to Twitter (and FB, even though I'm still in my long break) friend Apri Fiet's #LentenSnapshots2020 1-word prompts.
• The LA Marathon ran past the church building again this year; instead of Sunday morning worship on March 7th we gathered Saturday evening for Holden Evening Prayer and the second annual bake-off.
• By mid-month #SaferAtHome and #StaySafeStayHome were in place, so we transformed the long-planned actual World Water Day into a virtual event. See you next year by the river?!
• Back yard moonflowers are back! Nothing like annual flowers, fruits, and veggies to remind us of the patterns and seasons of our lives.
• As part of the increased friendliness of the governor's stay far apart order, Roxy Kitteh's uncle Steve W texted me two spectacular golden poppy pictures.

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