Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June 2021 [mostly] Flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles

More Flowers Around Town could be the title of this rundown for the month of June. I love to photograph and photoshop flowers, greenery, and any natural beauty, but I miss actual outings. July promises to have several—well-masked and quite distanced, of course.

Lectionary Project for June 2021

• COVID-21 hasn't let up enough. The rapidly spreading, incessantly evolving (because that's what viruses do) Delta variant accounts for about 25% of new local infections and likely will become the main one. Public health powers that be claim it mostly affects unvaxed people; they've also reported breakthrough infections in fully vaxed people. Now we're talkin' COVID_21.

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• The West LA Porsche dealership is separated into several segments

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• Basic sunflower followed by fancily photoshopped sunflowers

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

strawberry moon June 2021
• Strawberry Moon for June 2021, based on previous strawberry moon illustrations I bounced off older pictures of strawberries—Edited to add this was the last supermoon of 2021.

Living Local 2021
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1 comment:

  1. These flower photos are just lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.
    P.S. I went to your music blog to see if you had any recordings. Would love to hear you play.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!