• Five Minute Friday • Summer Linkup
If this is summer on the coast, it must mean the beach?! Often it did. Maybe it still does.
If this is summer, no matter what's been going down, love is at least tolerable. I just noticed I wrote love when I meant life. Ideally aren't they the same? Summer is walking out the door onto hot pavement and the sidewalk rises up and hits you hard.
If this is summer, is must be June July or August because my only summers have been Northern Hemisphere.
This is summer, so I remember vacation bible schools and day camps. I especially remember six weeks long BCDC—Brighter City Day Camp. This year it's Camp Central that missed out on 2020 because – you know – COVID. Super excited to be the main kitchen person this year!
Summer means special songs. Summer music? Al fresco concerts almost everywhere start again this year for the first time since COVID-19 shut down the world. Where will I go in 2021? Less formal singalongs with guitar, and I hope, I hope, at least one outing to Hollywood Bowl.
Summer means The Beach. The header watercolor is my interpretation of Short Beach in the tied island of Nahant on the North Shore of Boston. If there's a short version there must be a long one? Long Beach on the West Coast belongs to the Los Angeles – Long Beach – Santa Ana megalopolis or something like that—I made it up without finding out what's official.
Summer means smells of sea air, cookouts, city streets, and sweet citrus.
Summer sounds, sights, and smells… A few years ago I discovered this evocative collage in several sizes. I can't credit the source as well as I'd like because the original's from a now defunct blog, that's what mariel said. Mariel's replacement blog's not active, either. The very original is in the song Summer by Modest Mouse.

Just the smell of the summer can make me fall in love
And the sounds, sights, tastes of summer make me know life is love.
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Thanks for sharing.