Friday, August 12, 2011

grateful 5

for today's Friday 5, Terri hosts 5 about gratitude:

1. I'm living in the paradox of an open end

2. surprise! I haven't been annihilated—as someone pointed out to me, "not s single door has been permanently closed"

3. I'm learning to ask for what I need

4. God's last Word always is a big "Yes, Amen!" to life itself

5. I am so loving the summer fruit, summer berries and summer veggies


  1. "Not a single door has been permanently closed." Hmmm... that's worth hearing.

  2. I've learned the long, hard s.l.o.w way, that the Holy Spirit prevails, and if we continue moving in the directions she calls, She will get her way! Hang in there, cuz against all odds, stuff will happen!

  3. Yes to summer berries, yes to asking for what you need. So hard for us self-sufficient Americans. Peace!

  4. I've been learning to ask for what I need too. It's a hard thing to do and learn. I hope you have a good weekend!

  5. I agree that asking for what you need is a gratitude because it's not easy. There's the asking part and there's the identifying the need part. Enjoy this delicious season!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!