1. STUDYING: What is your favorite book or series for sermon prep or study? Or have you moved from books to on-line tools for your personal study?
I still love all four volumes of The Gospel in Solentimane, and also truly appreciate the extensive and intensive range of online resources. Since currently I'm doing more design than theology, if I'm in a software or layout or coding quandary, I usually find a solution online.
2. IN THE QUEUE: Do you have a queue of books you are longing to read or do you read in bits and pieces over several books at a time? What's in the queue?
I have a couple of books from Mike Morrell's new Speakeasy reviewer's bureau waiting for my attention; I also have at least a half-dozen others in various categories I've barely opened.
3. FAVORITE OF ALL TIME: What's one book that you have to have in your study? Is it professional, personal, fun or artistic?
My keeper categories include some classic urban/city-related books; a few art books with full-color illustrations (I gave away just about all the art books with exclusively B&W pictures); some graphic design specials; everything by Walter Brueggemann I've ever bought (incurable Brueggemaniac here!); quite a few in the cat-related category.
4. KINDLE OR PRINT? or both? Is there a trend in your recent purchases?
For books I think I'll reread, print for sure, but otherwise e-books rock. Especially if they're free!
5. DISCARDS: When's the last time you went through your books and gave some away (or threw some away?) Do you remember what made the discard pile?
I've been making a list of books I've recycled in our community book exchange; recent donations include about a dozen (duplicates!) Crayola coloring books; Jonathan Edwards, Basic Writings; The Parables of the Kingdom – C.H. Dodd; Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus – Norman Perrin; Fear and Trembling / The Sickness Unto Death – Kierkegaard; Purity of Heart Is To Will One Thing – Kierkegaard; Moral Man and Immoral Society – Reinhold Niebuhr; The Nature and Destiny of Man – Reinhold Niebuhr; The Destiny of Man – Nicolas Berdyaev; Radical Monotheism and Western Culture – H Richard Niebuhr…
BONUS: Post a picture of the present state of your study.

I need to take a current pic, but I love this one from one of the parsonages where I lived! Technically it's the dining room; eventually the only other furniture in the room was a 9-drawer chest I bought unfinished at our church thrift store and colorblocked… need to get a current pic of that, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder about The Gospel in Solentimane. I need to put that up on my wish list for Christmas. Loved the picture of your old study/dining room. Plenty of food for thought ther.
I am not quite the Brueggemaniac but I do love his work. His book on Praying the Psalms changed how I meditate on the Word! I also have some Speakeasy books to review. Hmmmm.... now where did I put them? Oh dear...
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing! :)
bunch of books that i have bought used that i have not read yet, plus some older books by favorite authors that i have yet to read, i will always have a list of books to read that is ever growing. goodreads.com is a great way to track what i have read vs what i want to read still
ReplyDeletemy all time favorite book..i am not sure i can pick just one..my favorites range from Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine, to classics such as Wuthering Heights and charles Dickens to fantasy classics such as Tailchaser's song by Tad Williams to whimsical and funny like Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy..if i had to pick one, i don't think i could
I do not own a kindle so it is old school reading for me.
When i moved back home, i had to go from 8 bookshelves to 3. although i still have many books in boxes, i gave a bunch to the local library. books that i no longer read, or a series that i was no longer following all made the cut into the discard pile, but by no means is it ever easy for me to give up a book.
it cut off the first part of my comment....but it was that i do not have books for study - but in terms of personal growth, which i am very interested in, i find that quotes are wonderfully inspirational, and have a few books of quotes that i refer too often
ReplyDeleteI like Walter Brueggemann too. And love the picture too. And I'd love to have some of the books you got rid of! Ah....if I had time to read that is.