summer has been, summer sometimes still is, summer can be fun because...

summer is light trails and light leaks
sunstruck pastels and neon cools
sizzling tropical brights

summer is the city

summer is a splash of Americana colors

summer is Truro the town and Truro the (hymn) tune
mostly in the city
dreaming of the country

sunday after church from north end to north shore
with a trip to Nahant
sunday after church from north shore to northerner shore
summer is...
summer school (I LOVE summer school!)
garden fresh tomatoes and blackberries from brambles
concerts at the
Charles River Esplanade Bowl Pops Embarcadero Pops Hollywood Bowl

summer is a country skyful of stars
summer 2016 is a new to me hashtag, #SFV – San Fernando Valley – "The Valley"
summer is the beach, city beach, country beach, suburban beach, any beach

I don't need to do anything to make summer fun because...
summer is fun!

Beautiful - love your graphics. Your neighbour at Three Word Wednesday.