Healthy Oceans • Healthy Planet

World Water Day mostly emphasizes fresh waterways; World Oceans Day concentrates on waters that contain easily measurable saline. Oceans are planet earth's circulatory system and therefore, "healthy oceans" is a major part of the factors that add up to a health planet. The Nature Conservancy tells us, "When you think about it, oceans are pretty extraordinary. They're the source of half of the oxygen we breathe, account for 97 percent of the Earth's livable habitat and provide food and livelihoods for millions of people."
What's my WOD 2016 Panorama?
fresh catch just in from the north atlantic
wrapped in yesterday's news
all hands come to al hanscomb's aged by the atlantic beach house
tide charts tacked to the fridge
low tide aromas on pleasant bay
la jolla shores stretched out along the placid pacific
one month only on q street hull
waves crashing onto the shore
any ocean shore
seagull cries
hurricanes on the east coast
hurricanes along the west
barefoot walks along water's edge
WOD means all those memories
WOD will help create future realities

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