Did I need to play today because it's the last Friday Five on the Rev Gals main site rather than on their Facebook? I usually enjoy significant lasts and important firsts, so that might be. Or do I need a reason? That also could be the case. After mentioning how parents often record their kids' first of almost everything, our host 3dogmom said, "but as we get older we often just absorb 'first times' into the rhythm of our days." I'd never seriously considered that, although I know my list of four firsts for today excited me when they happened. Most likely I played today because 3dogmom asked for "...some firsts that you recall, experienced recently, or anticipate?" Anticipate totally hooked me in... yes. it did.
Four recollections:

This one's my classic endlessly looping 8-track tape, so it's probably already on this blog a few times: my first solo flight as a passenger in eighth grade, to Detroit Metro/ DTW.
Not far behind: first MLB baseball game ever on that visit to aunt, uncle and cousins: Detroit Tigers at the old Tiger Stadium. Don't remember who they played, but Tigers won.
Thanks to google image search for Tiger Stadium photos with legal reuse rights from 2006 and 2011.

The first time I took communion in a Roman Catholic Church—the Cathedral of St Bavo in Haarlem, the Netherlands. That morning we sang a hymn to the tune of Kremser, so beloved in the USA as "We Gather Together," a special favorite in churches throughout New England. Just this noon I received HC at the local RC cathedral for the sixth time in fifteen days, countless times over the past six months.
For a pair of simple yet unforgettable teen milestones, the first time my vehicle was first in line at a red light, and the first time I passed another vehicle. Unlike (probably) most people, I don't remember the first time I drove all by myself.
Anticipation! is making me late, is keeping me waiting...
Because I've no idea what brand new first, or second first – in the wise experience of Christina Rasmussen's grief website – God has in store for me, or when.

It's curious sometimes, the things we remember. I don't think I would think anything of the first time I was the first car at a red traffic light, maybe because practice runs while learning to drive would have included that experience. And I honestly don't remember my first solo drive after getting my license, though many of my early drives DO stand out. I pray that whatever comes next for you with a first, it is something that feeds or soothes your soul. How lovely that would be to cherish.