Thursday, July 18, 2024


tabouleh tabouli salad in a wooden bowl

• Cucumber, diced
• Several Roma tomatoes, diced (remove seeds if you have time and are so inclined)
• Parsley, finely chopped 1/2 to 3/4 cup
• ½ cup bulgur wheat
• 1 or 2 or more green onion(s)
• Lemon juice
• Olive oil
• Allspice (optional)
• Cinnamon (optional)
• Salt to taste


Pour hot water over the bulgur and let soak until soft and most of the water has been absorbed. Mix diced veggies by hand, add the bulgur and mix some more, add lemon juice and olive oil to get the right flavor and consistency. Add spice(s) and salt and mix a bit more. Refrigerate, eat, and enjoy.

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