• Blueberries!
In the several months long low price of blueberries in the market {I'm still in a very tough living and overall situation {not to worry, cuz no way am I pushing my life off a cliff}}, among many gifts of creation, enjoying a bowl of cereal packed full of locally grown blueberries every morning has been a constant reminder of sustaining grace.

• 911 Anniversary
We observed the 16-years later anniversary of 911-2001. This is my intentionally grungy graphic from 2010.

• New to me Renovated Subway
I've long enjoyed Subway sandwiches, but over the past year I've become addicted to them after learning how to customize my order to perfection. Here's my visit to a recently renovated restaurant; for once, my sandwich and the surroundings both were photogenic; the store even had charging stations and it wasn't *even* in an area close to a school.

• Getty images

• Getty Water Features

• Getty Museum Vistas

• Saturday September 16 Concert at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
Live music is the very best! It's been too long... Pittance Chamber Music performed music by Mozart, Berg, Bernstein, and Brahms. Wonderful!

• Dream Big • Stay Hopeful
LA Metro Conference Fall Assembly at bilingual, bicultural, highly hospitable First Lutheran Inglewood. As you can see, this was another Subway Special September, this time with homemade desserts.

• LA River Nature Walk / World Rivers Day
The Nature Walk I enjoyed at the LA River for World Rivers Day got its own shoutout.

• Green Team Meeting
For September the Green Faith Team again met back in our regular location at the judicatory offices. No window paintings at all on school windows by schoolkids, but I got a colorful view of their backpacks.
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thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!