More than anything else, The Beach and The Beaches supremely have been recreational places for me. A simple list of favorites and {at some point in space and time} most frequented would include Windansea, La Jolla, San Diego, California; Earle Road, Harwich, Cape Cod; North Pacific Beach, San Diego, California; Malibu East—a narrow strip beach near the Savin Hill neighborhood of Dorchester, Massachusetts. All the beaches I remember have either been East on the Atlantic Coast or West along the Pacific Coast, though anecdotally I know I've splashed in the Gulf of Mexico.
My #Write31Days2017 illustrates a house smack dab on the beach at Truro, Massachusetts. Please take note of the many place names transplanted from UK to USA: Harwich; Dorchester; Savin; Truro...
During summer months, for me the beach as in "beach the vernacular" mostly has meant basking in the sun, listening to music, listening for breaking waves, reading a book or writing in a journal. On overcast days or when summer's gone, beach has meant walking along water's edge where sand meets surf, where place has become liminal because I'm no longer on land yet not in the sea.
On this site I've written almost endlessly about water and rivers; more than just rivers, only streams, ponds, or arroyos, The Ocean forms the best icon of the womb of creation, represents most tellingly the event that drowns us into our first death, incubates and resurrects us into new life in Christ. The early church always baptized in the water of a river that's always in flux, never changeless, yet on both east coast and west coast, many churches baptize in the ocean—what an image; what an experience to remember and live into!

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