Yes, I do realize today is Sunday after Ascension Thursday—Exaudi, from the beginning of the introit in the Latin liturgy. Nevertheless, for the past 2,000+ years the Church and the World have been living in the Reign of the Spirit, and in preparation for next Sunday, I wanted to blog about it.
[More than] Probable Pentecost!
Alleluia! The Spirit of Life fills the world;
Alleluia, Alleluia!!!
0 for 6 in a 7 – game series and asking, "was there any sound before first creation's primal Word?"
Abandonment. Then. Silence. Then
hankering after noisy anger or raucous discordance or
any sign of life aligning to life
Longing to balance days in the tension of misunderstandings and channel time into revelation's common wealth
precariously drawn out of chaos by speech
Silence cannot hold history's weight
Wordlessness cannot shape hope
Speechlessness cannot imagine creation formed from chaos
But this is Pentecost, right now and for always
and the Spirit of Resurrection fills the world;
Alleluia, Alleluia!!!