Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June 2021 [mostly] Flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles

More Flowers Around Town could be the title of this rundown for the month of June. I love to photograph and photoshop flowers, greenery, and any natural beauty, but I miss actual outings. July promises to have several—well-masked and quite distanced, of course.

Lectionary Project for June 2021

• COVID-21 hasn't let up enough. The rapidly spreading, incessantly evolving (because that's what viruses do) Delta variant accounts for about 25% of new local infections and likely will become the main one. Public health powers that be claim it mostly affects unvaxed people; they've also reported breakthrough infections in fully vaxed people. Now we're talkin' COVID_21.

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• The West LA Porsche dealership is separated into several segments

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• Basic sunflower followed by fancily photoshopped sunflowers

June flowers in Los Angeles June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

June flowers in Los Angeles
• June flowers in Los Angeles

strawberry moon June 2021
• Strawberry Moon for June 2021, based on previous strawberry moon illustrations I bounced off older pictures of strawberries—Edited to add this was the last supermoon of 2021.

Living Local 2021
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Monday, June 07, 2021

World Oceans Day 2021

World Ocean Day World Oceans Day 2021
It's both World Ocean Day and World Oceans Day because the history's a tad complicated. The official United Nations-designated International Day began in 2008, developing from a proposal in 1992 by Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit–UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In addition, Tuesday 08 June initiates World Oceans Week you can read about here.

One month before Earth Day, World Water Day every 22 March particularly emphasizes fresh water; as the name implies, WOD celebrates water with easily measurable saline content. I've blogged […a whole lot about water…] WOD almost every year since 2011—missed only 2014. If you check out this blog's world oceans day label, you'll discover some of the wonderful graphic art the WOD peeps have provided for bloggers, organizations, and everyone who's interested. For this year's header illustration I incorporated their global water scene from 2020 and 2021, circling it with words The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods; background is one of my captures of the Pacific Ocean at Palos Verdes Peninsula. I entered a full-color version in their annual photo contest.

The theme for 2021, The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods, hopes to "shed light on the wonder of the ocean and how it is our lifesource, supporting humanity and every other organism on Earth." Other years I've reflected on the theme and/or written about my ocean experiences. This time I'll suggest hashtags you can search to find interesting articles and action ideas:








And you can search a string of #DYK – Do You Knows – plus an item that interests you. Try #Water #Ocean #Oceans #Sharks #Salt #Coral #Climate #WOD #ClimateChange #Environment

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