It's Monday already! Yesterday was Lent IV, Laetare, one of the rose (paraments, vestments) Sundays in the the liturgical calendar. Here's another list of happenings that help with hope from the past week.
1. An invitation to be a guest on Women of Wisdom on Blog Talk Radio!
2. More blog housekeeping on this one, and on a couple of old ones I don't list anywhere but that still are online if you remember what and where they were.
3. Despite doing poorly with daily lectionary reading and journaling, I made lists and decisions in preparation for moving and relocating. Yay, me!
4. Another yummy Wednesday evening soup supper at Church On the Hill.
5. First LBW Evening Prayer / Vespers of this daylight saving season at Church On the Hill! I've previously mentioned Dale Wood's setting of the Magnificat is one of my all-time fave pieces of liturgical music.
6. Again I got to serve as pianist for Holden Evening Prayer after Thursday family dinner at Church Around the Corner. So sorry it was because A was sick and coughing, but I still appreciate the opportunity and the appreciation I got.
7. Four free fun – mainly for headlines and headers – fonts!
8. I visited quite a few design sites and further considered updated content and layout for suntreeriver design dot com. I'm also cool that I'm okay with its not being a responsive site yet.
9. Good prices on both Blueberries and Blackberries this time!
10. How wonderful watching newly called (mostly to the Hispanic ministry) and ordained Pastor N preside at Eucharist and to receive the Bread of Life from his hands.
11. We sang ELW hymn 666, "Wondrous Love."
A shoutout to myself for not only having my camera with me (because phone camera is only 3MP, I prefer the 16MP Canon so I can use pics professionally for print projects) and also for getting at least a dozen very good pics at church on Sunday. Though I just about always bring the camera along everywhere, I've been in too much pain to look outside myself to notice if anything is picture-worthy.
13. In the northern hemisphere, who isn't still enjoying the longer, lighter, truly summery days?
13. Annual kids – youth – special needs choir spaghetti dinner benefit after Sunday worship at Church Around the Corner.