Earth Day 2021—half a century plus 1. For almost two decades I've designed for Earth Day with quite different styles for very different years. Some of the results have been real "wows" and included a first place Blue Ribbon at the County Fair. Others? Somewhere between not so much and not at all. What could I do for this COVID-19 Earth Day II?
In January 2020 I declared 2020 my year of Living Local. Very early in January 2020 before COVID was even a whisper most places, when a pandemic was something in the history books. I began Living Local because all life really is local and can't be anywhere else. Late Boston Great Tip O'Neill who famously served many times as Speaker of the US House of Representatives constantly reminded us "All Politics Is local." As a voter or as an elected official your heart and your hopes may reside in the Mayor, City Council, or Town Meeting because you know government needs to be as physically close to the people as possible; but as you've likely observed, decisions at the State Capital and on Capitol Hill inevitably end up right here as they impact you and me.
During those innocent pre-COVID times, my main rant was how Amazon cardboard packaging had become more than I could bear, despite my no longer being a Vine reviewer and receiving almost none. I realize many small entrepreneurs and artisans sell on Amazon, but aside from how much "stuff" does anyone need, other factors had become beside the point.
"Living Local"? All these pictures are from West Los Angeles. More on Saturday about being local, earth day, stewardship, restoring our earth, and cities on my lectionary blog!
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors—we borrow it from our children was one of my themes for Earth Day 2010; it seemed exactly right for this year, too.
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