Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day 2007

For this year's Earth Day, here's the postage stamp series I designed last week. The images – all slices from my digitized analog graphics – aren't from my specifically bible-based or liturgical art; they're about our living green everywhere in faithful stewardship of creation. Interesting that we call Sundays in Ordinary Time "GREEN" Sundays!

Stamp 1 Stamp 3

Stamp 2 Stamp 4

These are clickable images so you can look at full size versions, but on sun country living you can get a more direct fuller view.

For Earth Day 2005: John Prine's "Paradise" and "The End of the Innocence" by Don Henley.

From Earth Day 2006, a Eucharistic blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love these- thanks for posting them, also the thought about Ordinary time being green- how wonderful!


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