Friday, August 17, 2007

Word Association Friday 5

from rev gal blog pals, it's a word association F5, redux

From Pentecost 12C / Proper 15—Sunday's—RCL, outlined by ReverendMother, according to Songbird's model:

Below you will find five words. Tell us the first thing you think of on reading each one. Your response might be simply another word, or it might be a sentence, a poem or a story.

On most of these I couldn't stop at just one:

purple iris1. vineyard

Listening to Karen B. singing a song based on Sunday's Isaiah 5 lection, plus...
Napa Valley
sour grapes—teeth set on edge
Church—Jesus is our Vintner
World—a vineyard that forms our ministry and mission field

radishes2. root
radishes (in the bible)—and then:
tree roots—the deeper the roots
watching me digging up dandelions, neighbor Mary observed, "That's hard work! You gotta get to the taproot!"
Root of Jesse
Rooted and grounded in love, in Christ

hibiscus3. rescue

fire engines—Station 27 on the corner of this street
cats in trees
friends to rescue us (me) from unrooted free-falls

4. perseverance

...of the saints

5. divided

a house against itself


  1. radishes and fire enginges and divided wills... I hope you're not seeing red ya know?!

  2. I'd prefer to dig up radishes than dandelions, but they both taste good.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!