Friday, July 29, 2011

either/or aka decisions 5

Today Sharon hosts a Friday 5 topic related to an ongoing reality in everyone's life, decisions 5. Part of her intro reads,
Today we play off of one of my favorite and most memorable Friday Fives to blog from: Decisions, Decisions posted by Songbird last July 23. How do you decide? Check out the following pairs and tell which one of each appeals to you most:
1) Sunrise or Sunset—I'm a classic early riser, and love to be up before first light. On the other hand, sunsets can be lovely, esp in the Southwestern USA. Flying Southwest, "The Socialist Airline" into Tucson into the sunset is an unmatchable experience, esp given that Tucson is an astronomical Dark-Sky place. Short answer? Sunrise!

2) To the Mountains or To the Beach—I'm one of those people who likes to know the ocean is nearby, even if I don't go there very often. I spent a summer at Tanglewood in the Berkshires, part of the ancient, venerable, Appalachian Mountain range and I've lived in the Internountain West, with the Wasatch range (a little further east there's a Sawatch range) of the Rocky Mountains always within hailing range. The fabled seven canyons of Salt Lake City were a fabulous place to drive up and down on a free day or slow going afternoon, sometimes to hike, too.

3) Coffee or Tea—neither one hot, both/and iced or chilled... but Tea more often than not.

4) Advent or Lent—equal parts repentance, apocalyptic and hope. I particularly love the Advent lections and hymns, though Christmas Eve and Day always have been difficult times for me. Lent, too, though—first counting the days until Easter Vigil, and then lovin' the Great 50 Days. It's all good and necessary as in sensory word, sacrament, music, visuals and even *other* we recapitulate and relive the history of salvation... short answer on this one? Advent!

5) "Raindrops on Roses" or "Whiskers on Kittens"—although I loathe, detest, despise and abhor The Sound of Music (seems as if people either love it or hate it; there's no neutral ground). I am such a cat-a-holic, and as much as I love flowers, nature and the environment, teh kitttehs win on this one!

BONUS: Tell more about one of the pairs. Why did you choose it? Difficult or easy choice? A story from your own experience?

In the interest of actually posting a semi-finished Friday 5 this week, I'm in major decision time and mode and again I find myself needing to make major life decision all alone, with no one who knows me or my history remotely within reach. Just saying'... so how do I decide? A little prayer, a little time, a backward glance at my own history, a forward look into possibilities and a huge trusting leap! Thanks, Sharon!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed so much reading your blog. I wish I knew you and your history to be of some real help. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Take that leap and know that God is holding you! Thanks for playing today!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!