Monday, June 15, 2015

week of grace 27

Sunday 14 June • Pentecost 3

Despite having unpublished all my other grace week posts, I decided to air this list of 6 for this week, at least for a few hours.

1. Blue Berries. Black Berries. More blues and more blacks.

2. Brief Eucharist at Church On the Hill Wednesday evening to celebrate Saint Barnabas, "Barnie".

3. Seriously working through logistics about packing, etc. for relocating to Future City very soon.
survivors of suicide loss 5K
4. Survivors of Suicide Loss Strength for the Journey 5K on Saturday.

5. First Communion this morning at Church Around the Corner.
Spark Bible
6. Third graders got their very own bibles this morning at Church Around the Corner.

apple pie small from Julian
7. My neighbor brought me a mini apple pie from the famous apple pie town of Julian. Rather than being a typical pie, it's more like a huge apple dumpling like my grandmother used to bake.
weeks of grace banner

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