Friday, July 03, 2015

FMF / Five Minute Friday

With today's favorite prompt, I'm participating in Kate Montaung's five minute friday. How does it roll? Write for 5 minutes, unedited. This is my first time ever, and I'll give T from Praying on the Prairie a big "thank you" for the inspiration.


Of course I love everything that's a fave, but it seems to me "favorite" means choosing items within a category.

Secular holiday: Fourth of July, that's happening tomorrow. Fireworks and Food! Wistful memories, too, but hopefully I'll soon be creating new, live memories in This City I just moved to.

Liturgical celebration: festivals of the Spirit the Day of Pentecost and Reformation Day / Sunday

Retail shopping hangout: Old Navy

Desserts: tiramisù; strawberry shortcake on homemade biscuits (never spongecake or cake of any kind, not on cornbread, either) with home-whipped extra heavy whipped cream; apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream or half-and-half; vanilla ice cream, etc.

Berries: blackberries, followed closely by blueberries and strawberries. Did you know they've been majorly in season and at excellent prices recently?

Recently acquired fonts:


Betsy's Type

and Butterscotch


Environments: almost everywhere, but especially the desert, the city, and the beach

Scents: honeysuckle; gardenia; vanilla; simmering savory southern Italian food; the earth after it rains; the beach

5 minute friday icon

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  1. Love your list of favorites! I love the smell of the earth after it rains. Visiting from fmf. Happy 4th of July! Enjoy one of your favorites!

  2. So fun to see you joining FMF. Fun post!!

  3. thanks for visiting! I really like the 5 minute idea—it even could be the start of a much longer post about faves. Happy Week!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!