Friday, August 14, 2015

5 minute friday: learn

Time again for Kate Montaung's Five Minute Friday; "learn" is this week's word; how does this work? Write for 5 minutes, unedited.


Lately I've been learning again I really and truly do love the "thrill of the chase," as that pastor back then insisted! As I'd imagined, I've learned I really do love being in a Big City again, and already I feel better—as if feeling was where it's totally about, but you know feeling is at least partly where it's at, and here in Current City I've been more welcome and even started off by getting more opportunities than I did in Previous City.

Although I still don't enjoy reading beyond a 500-word internet article, I love Love LOVE ideas, and I've learned I'll need to continue reading books.

I've learned how strong, tough, and resilient I am after navigating life as well as I have the past too long. I also realize asking for help has been a sign of strength, but what do you do when they keep turning you down? Theologian Harvey Cox writes, "Violence is normative in The Fall."

I've learned my self-presentation truly is very competent and I generally come across as accomplished. Acquaintance in Previous City texted me, "you will thrive anywhere you go!" Thriving sure has not been my experience at all—in fact, my life has started to reweave and then unravel countless times, and I've been disappointed over and over by potential situations I knew were slam-dunks, but it's also energizing to know someone actually perceives me thus.

I've learned I cannot live without ways to express my creativity, especially as an artist/illustrator. designer.

I've learned there are truly welcoming churches: both nearby churches that sent me friendly emails about my housing requests have been friendly in real life and they've felt good, too.

5 minute friday icon


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!