Friday, January 08, 2016

Five Minute Friday: First

first five minute friday button

Friday 08 January: First at Kate Motaung's place in cyberspace. For Five Minute Fridays we write for five minutes. Nothing comprehensive (remember, only five minute's worth), maybe a single topic, possibly interweaving more than one.

John 20, stoned rolled awayEveryone has memorable firsts. First ever day of school, followed by at least a dozen more first days of school. First day at that new-to-me school. First solo subway trip or bus ride. First job ever. First major win! First disappointing loss—what now? First boyfriend or girlfriend. First kiss. First time voting. I don't remember the first time I drove in the car by myself, but I clearly recall the first time I passed a vehicle on the freeway and the first time I was first in line at a red light. First flight after 911. Fun stuff, funny stuff!

Firsts outside of ourselves include the first robin of spring. First crocus. First tomato. First snowfall. I think I'll make a few journal pages and pictures of firsts very soon. This particular reflection on first is the first FMF of the new year 2016.

As God's people in Christ Jesus, God graces us with, in the Spirit we claim and live into a life-restoring, death-defying, grave-overcoming first:

On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been rolled away. John 20:1

The first day of the New Creation—Easter Day is the birthday of God's new world; practice resurrection!


  1. We were thinking a lot along the same lines today.

  2. Great reminder. And always good to think of resurrection - such a hopeful, positive first! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm following you on bloglovin now!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!