Friday, April 14, 2017

Five Minute Friday: Empty

Today the church commemorates the bleak Friday we call Good; Kate Motaung hosts our weekly linkup and suggests the prompt empty.

Holy Saturday

"How the city doth sit empty that once was full of people" poet-prophet Jeremiah grieves.

A few hundred years later, religious and political powers that be crucify Jesus of Nazareth outside the gates of that once empty city, outside a crossroads of commerce now packed full of people. Anything but empty! At the ninth hour of 3pm / 1500 Jesus dies; they remove his body and leave the cross of criminal execution empty. They bury Jesus in a borrowed grave. As usual Saturday follows Friday. This particular Saturday is an empty Saturday we know as the day nothing happens yet everything happens. Sunday follows Saturday. On Sunday? An empty grave! Just as we wait for a new morning through the course of night's [apparent] emptiness, the emptiness of death has been a surprising way to wait for the fullness of new resurrected life...

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five minute friday button five minute friday empty


  1. I've never thought of Saturday like this, but you're so right!

  2. This was such a fun reflection about the forgotten weekend which would have been terrible for the disciples because it was Sabboth without a Savior.
    ~FMF Neighbor


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!