• March 2019 in current city
• Observing April—double meaning
May 2019
• Porch Story Time! I'm linking to Porch Story originator and host Kristin's Highlights for the month of May
• As always when each meteorological season concludes to make room for the next, I'm participating in Emily P Freeman's Learned This Season linkup

• A new crop of peaches and nectarines, another seasonal splash of bright lemons and oranges, fresh crunchy apples (abundant veggies, too) at the Friday Farmer's Market, and there's an easy model to follow for the upcoming months of summer. Trust me, I have some plans and even more expectations for summer!

• Pick Pico Neighborhood Street Fair
• For the first time ever, my church participated in the Pick Pico Neighborhood Fair. Wisely they scheduled the city block event for only a few Sunday hours, which increased interest and attendance.

• Signboards at the entrance

• A perspective of our church table—I also designed a sign with QR code to direct people to the church Facebook page

• The daughter of one of our leaders who's one of our best Sunday Brunch chefs owns Atticus ice cream and pie shop

• I never can resist taking pictures of cacti and succulents

• Tent City: fairgrounds over-view
• Game Changers, History Makers

• A friend had extra tickets to the end of school year gala program by the California Dance Institute. Several schools participated with live band, lively dancing, spell-binding lighting, adding up to one of the dozen best ever performances of any kind I've ever experienced. Visit their website for more information and inspiration!
• The Sixth Sunday of Easter

• Easter is Fifty Days, a week of weeks! For the thirty-sixth day, Sixth Sunday a stack of worship folders featuring my Tree of Life art on the cover

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