• September 2020 Summary: Pandemic Blues
• October 2020 Highlights: COVID Continues
• Six Sunday School lessons for November, because I included a retrospective of Matthew's gospel for review and a prospective of Mark's for looking forward. I miss the interesting fluidity of meeting in-person, yet I like how these more formal lessons have developed.

• All Saints Day and Sunday I went to real-life church again and captured citrus plus succulents along Santa Monica Blvd / Route 66.

• I've always loved the drama of in-person voting. Way before pandemic I voted absentee only twice, both times because I'd be out of state on election day.

• California for Biden / Harris yard sign in front of a house on the way back from polling place.

• Election/Voting Day was World Sandwich Day that's on 03 November every year. I popped into the Subway closest to the voting place, but this picture is from another year's blog. As with the ice cream sundae further down this post, in general pictures of the real thing don't look sufficiently appetizing—though one of the sandwich artists at the SFV Subway always created subs worthy of high end ads.

• Fresh and pretty red and white flowers decorating the strip mall.

• Another outing with a non-household member! We went to BR31 again and had Hot Fudge Sundaes again. As often happens, pics of the real thing didn't look very tasty; this photoshopped public domain picture looks close.

• Thanksgiving Day morning Walk in the Park with a non-household member. Starting this week, county authorities have banned even this type of masked and distanced activity. They specifically told us no "Walks in the Park."

• Psalm 65:8 for Thanksgiving Day USA and Territories: "Your wonders awe those who live at earth's farthest bounds; you make the gateway of the morning and the evening shout for joy!" I enjoyed an amazing Thanksgiving Dinner with another non-household member. No worries; we sat far apart.

• 29 November was the First Sunday of Advent that opened wide the church's new year of grace. This is from my 5-part design series, The Road Home.

• Hey Blueberries! Still! Circumstances have sent me outside my usual resolve to get produce only from Mexico and Canada; blubes currently in the stores hail from Peru.

• 30 November and a Full Beaver Moon. Beaver picture from PIxabay; I'm in process of creating all 12 plus full moons.

• Los Angeles County is back in the most severely restrictive purple tier, though slightly more relaxed than the previous purple. In short, it's best to stay Safer At Home, though we can shop for grocs and other essentials. No more real life church, though according to plan this lockdown ends around 21 December, so in-person church for Christmas may happen.
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