Saturday, November 27, 2021

Five Minute Friday :: Nourish

Nourish Club Sandwich
Five Minute Friday :: Nourish Linkup

My thinking nurture and nutrition/nutritious were related was correct; an online etymology page added "nurse," which makes meaningful sense.

Anyone who's ever known me knows I'd instantly associate a term like nourish with literal bodily feeding–ideally in ways that dissipate hunger, impact all five senses, and respond to human need for community. Oh, I've long had this "thing" about food, about flavor, about inviting or not inviting me to join you. Eating in solitude always feels like banishment versus noshing a snack or a feast in some kind of gathering, even when it's only two of us who "form a multitude" because together we are complete in ways none of us ever can be if we fly solo.

Nourish and nurture an individual or a family to become the best version of themselves. Provide nutritious food. Make it freshly picked, recently prepared. It must be colorful, flavor filled, memorable, and easy to duplicate or triplicate for those soon to be next times. Prepare it together whenever, but always enjoy it together because that's the best most nourishing plan.

There's more! Surround them with gentle not smothering love. Encourage everyone's participation in almost everything—that's called nourishing their gifts. Be a real friend. Don't be condescending. Whether or not they know it, anyone you're with already has a savior, and you ain't it. But you still can be Jesus to them!

• Header image: Far more often than not I'm able to illustrate my blogs with my own photographs and drawings, but I haven't captured many sandwiches or meals worthy of display, so this sandwich is stock.

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five minute friday nourish
Five Minute Friday button


  1. I agree the first thing that springs to mind is food when I think of nourishment, good healthy food that sustains and strengthens our bodies!

  2. Family meals can be times of great nourishment both in terms of what is eaten and the conversation. But sadly, conversation is not always uplifting at these times in many households. We must make an effort to truly nourish each other the best we can.
    Visiting from #21 FMF

  3. There's a life of violence
    for which I must atone,
    and a part of that sentence
    is that I eat alone.
    I'm all too scary when I speak,
    and worse when quiet, calm, and still.
    So much, I guess, for being meek,
    though I try with steadfast will
    to make myself approachable,
    to ensure my smile will reach my eyes,
    to banish my life-fable,
    but those who meet me still surmise
    that once upon a distant time
    I was bare-knuckle champ sublime.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!