Friday, December 15, 2023

Five Minute Friday :: Store

store storefront
Five Minute Friday :: Store Linkup

Here's an older one that already says what I'd like to say today:

Stored Value: from Lent 2005

Retail stores are places that hold a fair amount of stuff. These days they come in brick and mortar and virtual. Maybe your family practices food storage in case of need or disaster? That type of store always is wise, particularly in more remote rural areas.

Pantries store or hold canned, boxed, and other ingredients at the ready. Whether a place to shop, or a location to gather fixings for a meal, we fully expect all those stores to be depleted and later restocked. After all, even food that's dry needs to be fresh. When we consider non-food items, clothing, household décor, outdoor supplies, and other "stuff" rotates seasonally. Besides, clothes you bought for yourself a few years back may be seriously out of style, may not fit, and if it's your kids' apparel, they've plain outgrown it.

No stored physical provisions last forever. But we have stores of gifts in the Holy Spirit that are eternal and expansive. They don't need restocking or restoring. In fact, you may have noticed the more you gift others out of your store of love, mercy, compassion, and grace, the more your stores of those spiritual gifts expand and grow?

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Old Navy window with two girls
five minute friday store
five minute friday button icon logo


  1. We have got the C's and K's
    and water laced with iodine,
    stored against the dreadful days
    of the coming Zombie Time.
    We have got the generator,
    and the petrol tank is full
    just in case, sometime later,
    power outage is the rule.
    We have spent a lot of days
    preparing for the very worst,
    but like rats caught in a maze,
    we are trapped and we are cursed
    behind a grim and bolted door
    waiting for what won't occur.

    C's and K's refer to C and K rations, predecessors of MRE's.

  2. Nicely written. I'm glad I stopped by to read your entry. FMF12


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!