Saturday, April 13, 2024

Five Minute Friday :: Limit

flowers mural
Back in math class with limits? Or assessing the limits of my own situation?

Remember the Eagles?

"All alone at the end of the evening...
You know I've always been a dreamer put me on a highway
Show me a sign.
Take it to the limit
One more time."

Glenn Frey, Randy Meisner, Don Henley

What are the limits of human willfulness? Obedience?

Does my patience
have limits?
(For whatever reason or reasons) my creativity has become tamer, more limited, less appealing.

When will it rebound? (Please notice i said when not if.) Will I express it in terms of motion, change, limits, and hope?

Or will its energy, excitement, and momentum be so unstoppable I won't notice the new highway or that sure enough sign?
The one I'd always known would be here
More than one more time.
Amen? Amen!

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