Thursday, March 02, 2017

Five Minute Friday: Purpose

For this week's Five Minute Friday Kate Motaung hosts a linkup collection of writings about purpose.

five minute friday Purpose

We may get quite a few people affirming their love of God and confident about their call "according to God's purpose," and that's fine, because it's not only about our gifts and preparation, it's also about what God needs us to be doing right now. Long ago the folksong band the Byrds popularized "Turn, Turn, Turn," a melodic song to words from the Hebrew bible book of Ecclesiastes. "Turn, turn, turn" actually was the subtext; the main lyrics reminded us "to everything there is a season; a time to every purpose under heaven," because that's true of people and nature and ideas and every activity under the sun. Final thought was "A time for peace—I swear it's not too late," a sentiment and a hope everyone in this time and this season needs to pray for and trust.

I also recall another musical version of the same scripture passage for voice and piano accompaniment by the late New England-based composer and church musician Daniel Pinkham. In contrast to the Byrd's guitar-tinged performance with its folksy soothing harmonies, Pinkham's music is all over the place angular and sometimes discordant. One better than the other? Not at all, though I could rock the piano accompaniment to the Pinkham far better than I could strum the Byrd's guitar chords. We need both styles!

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  1. I love the idea of Seasons, and how it is truly about the season that we are in.
    Surely there is a different purpose in each season, and lessons to be learned.

    Bless xx

    ~Anna (#14 @ FMF)

  2. God truly has a purpose in every season of life. Stopping in from the FMF at #12. Blessings!

  3. I didn't know that about the Byrds song. Cool!


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!