Friday, March 19, 2021

19 March • Intersection

the Intersection of Church and World
Lenten Snapshots 2021

Reminder: Again this Lent April created a list of one-word prompts for social media, blog, church website, or anywhere. A snapshot can be words, a still picture, or a micro-video.

Friday 19 March :: Intersection

I've long wanted (since October 2000) to use one of the "12-abstract-seamless-patterns" I got from Pine Art via Creative Market. I love the nostalgically retro late-twentieth century feel of the colours. It's hard to believe almost any part of the twentieth century qualifies as vintage, retro, or—maybe even antique?

I'm finally using one of the designs for today's prompt I've expanded into the Intersection of church and world. Journalist Chris Hedges, son of a pastor, admits in words essentially identical to what I've said and written dozens of times, "The church was part of my daily rhythm. I look at the world through the eyes it gave me."

My unanticipated separation from full participation in the church to which I'd devoted years of my life and that had played a central role in shaping my goals, lifestyle, and my entire worldview is like experiencing my own death. Yet I'm still illustrating the intersection of church and world.
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