Friday, July 29, 2022

Five Minute Friday :: Be

Edwin McCain, I'll Be & Misguided Roses
Five Minute Friday :: Be Linkup

This week I'll be on the music train again. "Be" reminds me of one of my all time fave songs (who knows how many of those there be? Don't ask.), Edwin McCain's "I'll Be" released as a single in 1998 out of his 1997 album, Misguided Roses.

Even as Christians who know in our head God created us as human beings – not human doings – we're also exquisitely aware our being often results in selected actions that respond to needs around us. God acts in love, justice, mercy, and generosity because God's character, God's essence – God's being – is loving, just, merciful, and generous.

I understand that "I'll Be" is a breakup song (but in that case, why would anyone ever include it on a wedding playlist?), with the singer announcing he'll be captivated, your cryin' shoulder, love's suicide, better when I'm older, greatest fan of your life. So it's all relational.

Particularly the theology we've inherited from the apostle Paul (try especially Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, Romans) proclaims our essential position is to be "In Christ." Yes. Last Sunday we sang, "In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found" and "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness." BTW, I was guest preacher on 1 Peter 2:1-10 and requested those songs, but I preach from notes so can't realistically blog my talks. Jesus Christ always is our source, beginning, re-source and refuge. As we be solidly grounded in Jesus the living stone, we then can be living stones ourselves, so others can count on us. Because it's all relational.

Serious theology aside, what will I be? For you and the rest of the world, I'll be a creation-lover, urban artist, keyboard player, desert spirit, city being… Notice how a basic "I'll be" identity overlaps with what that someone does—because it's so relational.

What has God called you to be? What do you want to be? What will you be?

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desert spirit's fire 20 years
five minute friday be
five minute friday icon


  1. Hi Leah, I'm Jeannie (next to you in the linkup at #16). I am really intrigued by your last statement about how the "I'll be" and "I'll do" identities overlap because they're so relational. Of course that makes sense! Thanks for sharing.

  2. What will I be, what will I do,
    how will I define myself,
    now that all good options flew
    and placed me on a dusty shelf?
    I'm writing poems that few will read,
    building guns I'll never shoot,
    along with knives I do not need,
    but somehow these do not impute
    a lesser meaning to my days,
    a lower value that I feel,
    for the price God daily pays
    for my soul is what's most real,
    to take Himself my sin's dark pain,
    and set me on my feet again.

    Lest there be misunderstanding, about guns... I am a woodworker, and have been making custom rifle stocks, with exotic hardwoods, for my wife. Nothing weird or illegal. Just sawdust, stain (red wine works well), and tung oil. I also do custom knives, but never for sale. I don't want one to end up in the wrong hands


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!