Friday, September 22, 2023

Five Minute Friday :: Opinion

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Five Minute Friday :: Opinion Linkup

There's opinion and there's authority. What's the source of that attractive or crazy opinion? To what or to whom do we ascribe authority? Did you read it in a book or see it on the internet?

There are truths and there are facts. Unlike facts, truth isn't always measurable or quantifiable, yet truth has an eternal unchangeable essence. Truth carries an authority that facts often don't.

I often enjoy opinion pieces from reliable websites, print publications, and various media channels and outlets. If the writer or speaker has attained a certain number of years, has varied experiences, good academic credentials, I often consider their opinion, even when it differs considerably from my default.

But in her five minutes, our host Kate reminds us the standard is God's opinion revealed in scripture and especially testified to in Jesus Christ. It may not be unusual for people – Christian and not Christian – to seek and value opinions of friends or acquaintances we know as ethical and especially those who get where we're coming from. It's not uncommon to resonate with trending style or content, whether culinary, sartorial, or entertainment-related. It may feel good and appear innocuous, but we still need to measure everything against the eternal authority of God's opinions.

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  1. Great piece. Yes - always turn to God's Word.

  2. Very true. We need to be mindful we weigh things against God's standard.

  3. Our opinions can be pretty worthless unless they are based in God's truth! Visiting from FMF#5

  4. Amen. Everything needs to be measured against the eternal authority of God. Thanks for your post.

  5. I have it on authority
    that Elvis never died,
    and Graceland's chefs are there to see
    that his Mars bars are deep-fried.
    I read this on the Internet,
    and so it must be true,
    and though it hasn't happened yet,
    at some Vegas venue
    the whole house will erupt in cheers
    when he returns unto the stage
    to usher in, in coming years
    a grand and golden age
    in which we all can gaily watch
    him sing with Hoffa and Sasquatch.


thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!