So bearing in mind you are allowed the Bible, a bed + linen, a functioning kitchen, and a comfy chair, clothes within reason (no dragging last centuries wardrobe in case), and probably essential today a lap-top OR computer choose one from each of the following as your luxuries:Sally provided the cute moving kitteh pic!
2. A piece of music (albums/ sets allowed) ... rather than music to listen to, I'll take (literal scores of) music to perform, and it's gotta be (oh, such a tough one) the Beethoven Piano Sonatas.
4. luxury item of clothing: it ain't real luxury, and it is from the last year of the last century: I'll take the wonderful tan corduroy with dark red quilted lining winter vest (no hood, sorry) I got for $1.00 on sale at the church thrift store. I did need to have it dry-cleaned in order to make it wearable, so the total price was a little more.
5. One item of your choice—it can be as normal or as weird as you like. Art supplies, another multiple that easily packages up into a zipper case.
I have been watching Hoarders, and found this to be very interesting. People have so much stuff..I wonder how they let it get so out of control, but then I remember, it is a disease. When i moved from an apartment to my mom's house. I got rid of all my furniture and hauled all my stuff here. My kitchen stuff is still at my grandma's in her basement, and I should probably sort out and only keep the very good things - i have some expensive cookware down there. I have boxes of books in mom's closets and have slowly been donating many to the library, which is so hard. I also recently pulled everything out of my closets, dressers and room and overhauled it all, giving it a good organize and ended up with many boxes of stuff for goodwill. I just did not need to hang on to everything, and once I let a few things go, I felt better. In this world of overindulgence and luxury, we forget that we really can get by with less. I, am grateful that I had a place to go to with my cats, and really, when push came to shove, I would have let all my stuff go, just to keep my cats safe. You have to decide what matters and protect that
ReplyDeleteI had too much kitchen stuff (though still way minimal compared to some) and recently sorted through it all and kept what I needed, my faves, and the better quality. I've given away lots of books, too, but feel I was judicious with the ones I kept (sentimental faves, out of print, etc). I keep finding more and more clothes to part with, and even if you really like something but almost never wear it, doubtless there's something else in a similar colour and style you wear more often right there in the closet! right?!
ReplyDeleteOh! How many more years do I have to practice before I can attempt the Beethoven piano sonatas? Good for you, surrounding yourself with music & art.
ReplyDeleteHi Joolie, try Beethoven's 3 Opus 2 Sonatas; they're dedicated to Josef Haydn and in many ways you feel as if you're playing both composers. They'll take some technical and conceptual work, but not an overwhelming amount and they're just about as satisfying to play as the middle and later sonatas--not as long, either ;) Check in and let me know how it goes!